Stephen Elroy Monarch



5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Stephen Elroy Monarch
Nickname(s): Split
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Gender: Male(Androgynous)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Date of Birth: October 13th
Place of Birth: Florida, USA
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian/Human
Occupation/Job: A smoothie shack employee
World/Universe: Our Universe

Height: 5'1" (5'6" in heels)
Weight: 121lbs
Hair Color: Pastel Blue and Pastel Green
Eye Color: Grey-blue and Brown-Purple
Skin Color: Pale - Can tan, will burn without sunscreen
Body Type: Feminine
Posture: Straight

Piercings: Two tongue piercings, snakebites, Nipple piercings.(6 in total)
Other outfits: He can and will wear showy feminine clothing, you can't stop him.


Personality: Split is a soft, sweet male. He is always happy to help and explain things when needed as well as being a very good listening. He is a bit of a hoe, loving to go out and party. He enjoys the good time afterwards. Split wants to make others happy, willing to make new friends at every turn. He is overly optimistic, glass half full kinda guy. Sees the good in everything and every one, no matter how horrible or scary they seem to be.
Likes: Naps, Pillows, Blankets, Stuffed animals - Will add more later on
Dislikes: Water, Sour/Spicy foods - Will add more later on
Self Control: High
Motivation: Very High
Intelligence Level: Average
Confidence Level: Average
Greatest Fear/Phobia: Water

Hobbies: Drawing, Sleeping and Helping others
Habits: Can and will fall asleep, standing up
Area of Residence/Environment: Florida so hot... wet... fun..
Home Description: Split lives in a condo, two bedroom, pretty normal. Walls painted a warm creamish orange and decorated sparsely with furniture. It's very basic, but very comfortable.
Health: Very Healthy.


(Currently Empty - Hoping to Fill soon)

v Family v

  • N/A

v Friends v

  • N/A

v Best friend v

  • N/A

v Significant Other/Crush v

  • N/A

v Enemies v

  • N/A