Carys (Cari)



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Is a teacher in an impoverished area somewhere in/near mountains - works with a lot of improvised kids or orphaned kids. Volunteers and helps around at a local orphanage. Is very maternal. Always dressed very nicely. Might look and act very proper, but is actually happy to talk to others and is sad if others don't talk to her. She always has good faith and belief in her students and is good at encouraging them even if other teachers write them off. She came from a rich family and received a good inheritance, and she has a noble air even though she left her family home to work in a poor area. Carries around saltwater taffy and ribbon candy. Will give them to children when they behave well or to someone who seems unhappy. Definitely the type to put others' happiness and needs above hers, but she always gets joy from seeing others happy.


Rafael ( - mate

Larysa - adopted daughter 

Hirschel - one of her students (one of her most troublesome ones)

[s] shine
[c] hair, tail, fur
[uc] ears

2/3 slots