Basic Info

⭐️ if u like this, pls fav so others can see !


these are pay what you want starting at $5usd !! price may go up soon, so grab a slot while the price is so low !! my comms are usually ~$35usd so now is a great chance to get art from me if youve been wanting to ^_^ these are experimental and style my vary 


^ featured character: Dolly by Brojangles_Paws

you MUST read this full page BEFORE commenting to claim a slot !! i can tell who skips.. payment will be upfront ^_^ 

to claim a slot, comment with this form filled out:

name: (for my queue - also add how much you'd like to pay here (minimum $5usd) !!)

your character: (can be IC when commenting !! but please link an image you'd like me to reference :P)

notes: (add a change in expression here and anything else you'd like me to keep in mind while drawing your character !! also add here if you'd like accessories, etc)