


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Design Worth


Commissioned Art


Personal Art

40 USD


40 USD


Intuitive . Cautious . Aloof
An attempt to defy one's fate only brings one closer to such a future.
Occupation Oracle and Protector
Location Content
Demeanor Mystical
  • Be able to either directly impact a future she wishes for or to avoid a future she does not.
  • Protect herself and the few she cares for from any harm that might come over them
  • Trust more in her own prophecies and be able to harness more power through it.
  • Become too dependent on her prophecies
  • Lose her prophetic abilities for any reason
  • Become helpless in the face of true danger
Masterlist G2-M-38
Rarity Lower
Obtained For Event Currency
Worth $40.00
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Neutral Evil
Pessimist Realist Optimist






  • Despite being bound to her doll body during Vas' war, she was incredibly afraid of the potential mortality that came with such a thing.
  • Despite being seen by those who believe in her abilities as forthcoming and truthful, she will often give false statements to those she fills are inadequate.
  • Collecting things made from wrought iron
  • Journaling to keep her thoughts in one place
  • Meditating to clear her mind or to help the prophecies come
  • Candle Making
  • Vivi
  • Wrought Iron
  • Moongazing
  • Crystals
  • Gathering Herbs
  • Broken Glass
  • Rude Guests
  • Open or too crowded of places
  • Those who try to shun her
Will wear
  • Dresses
  • Shrugs
  • Shorts
  • Clothes that do not interfere with the feathers on her legs
  • Hair accessories
Won't wear
  • Pants
  • Sleeved (Must be loose like a shrug)
  • Anything over her ears and or tail
  • Velvet
Design Notes
  • Traits:
    • BJD body (Required)
    • Black stripes on face (Required)
    • Eyes as Mirrors (Required)
    • Feathered Ears, Tail, and Legs (Required)
    • Hooved Feet

  • Markings on forehead are required.
  • NSFW okay. Gore permission ONLY
  • Kemuchiis are a closed species part of Gaidinia, created by Aremisu. You cannot make one without an MYO.

As all Kemuchiis are, Leilatha was born a spirit. Early life as a spirit was simple enough, and she was content living her life from the sidelines watching as the world around her did as it was going to. It wasn't until later on when she had come across a familiar spirit from long before that she saw he had become a Kemuchii and was fighting for Vas. She watched from afar for a while before almost witnessing the war Kemuchii's demise, throwing her into a panic.

She began to search herself for a deity to create her own contract with, and it wasn't long before she had learned of Prophecy Kemuchiis, meant to see into the near future of those around them. She began to look for Trized, soon allowing herself the thought to be forged into a contract with the Prophecy deity. It took many years, though such time meant nothing for a being such as herself, the kemuchiis, or the deities fighting their war.

It soon came time that she found the deity she had sought out and was quick to plead for a new life as a Kemuchii. Trized offered a contract and she was soon bound to the body she has remained in since that day.

Within the first few years, the new Kemuchii struggled with her own prophecies. They were not always clear and she often had in the back of her mind doubt that such things might happen. They could be loud at times, unallowing her to go about her day. She searched for answers on how to make it easier and found none, not even from other Prophecy Kemuchiis. Struggling with such a thing, she turned away from the war at hand and hid, hoping being away from the conflict would ease her mind, at the very least. Over time it became easier and the prophecies became easier to read and she began to journal her prophecies before sitting by and watching.

One evening, as the prophecies became clearer, she had a vision of the familiar Kemuchii being surrounded, but her vision ended quickly after. She began to fear for his safety and rushed to try and find him, hoping she wouldn't be too late. Sure enough she was able to reach him in time just as he emerged somewhat victorious from the ambush, only truly being able to survive the matter with her intervention. Once they were in the clear the Kemuchii simply stared at her before leaving. Despite calling out to him, he left without a word spoken to her. She returned to her haven where she thought over what happened, did he not remember her? Or was there a conflict of what the two were? She was left utterly confused and would receive no answers.

Time went on and she had pushed the incident to the back of her mind, the war had ended and the new age of Gaidinia was to begin to thrive. For a time, she felt lost as to what to do after the war. She wandered for a time learning about things she hadn't gotten to experience. Though as time went on, she felt as if the other kemuchiis dwindled, and the fear of their demise began to creep up on her. She eventually found normal Gaidinians claiming to be fortune tellers, and it intrigued the Kemuchii that truly had such visions and abilities. After sitting down with one and realizing they were fraudulent, she declared herself that she would show a true prophecy and wandered until she found a place to settle, spreading rumors of her own abilities and where to find her, she soon found that it was well paying for those interested.

Name Leilatha
Aliases Lei, Leili
Birthdate 10 . 12
Age 4452

Sexuality Demisexual
Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'9
Build Doll / Lean
Species Prophecy Kemuchii
Blood Type N/A