


5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Aaron

Age: 19

Birthday: 08/18

Gender: Male

Species: Egyptian Swift Pigeon

Blood Type: O

Height: 5'5

Weight: 160lbs

(good)Traits: Calm, listener, welcoming, stands up for friends, dreamer.

(not-so-good) Traits: Kleptomaniac, a major loser, pretty kinky, sometimes is literally just a ball of social awkwardness.

Horoscope: Leo (Leries if you like homestuck/hiveswap/friendsim)

Loves: 2d cell animation, birds, dusk, Nintendo games, moe anime, hentai, energetic old school rock (idk how else to describe it), and witchcraft

Speech: Kinda muffled, uses slang occasionally and throws around cussing casually. Coos (pigeon noises) in between breaths, when scared, and when relaxed.

Body Language: Typically slouched over a bit. Uses talking-hands only when frustrated. Open to touching (hugging, hands on shoulders, head pats, etc).

Design notes

-Only really shows emotion in eyes and posture

-Hair is fluffy/messy. Don't take the ref so seriously. as long as bangs have two pieces on each side and one in the middle, it's accurate

-Beak does not open. In stylized stuff, you can add the line if needed

-Not many colors, what you think is underneath clothes probably is. 

-Eyes are generally big on the character, even if in a realistic sense. 

-Back and side patterns are the exact same as the front. I didn't think that it was necessary to include on ref because every pattern is double-sided.
