Jamie Ganix



8 years, 4 months ago


ex-soldier victim of an experimental drug test gone awry, turning him into a specific type of incubus. Mostly he just wants to flirt.




Full Name(s):  Jamie "Jim/Jimbo" Renford Ganix
Age and DOB: born July 25 1951; 65, but hasn't aged since he was 30
Sex / Gender + Pronouns: male-leaning agender, he-him pronouns,
presents very masculine and easy to assume he's cis
Orientation: very bisexual, leaning male 
Species: Incubus (of the agarthan "ubi" variety) 
Birthplace:  Chicago, but grew up in Portland
Current Location: Reno probably 
Occupation: sex worker/janitor/veteran soldier (fought briefly in vietnam) 
Moral Alignment: generally good, but impulsive under pressure
Religion: agnostic, but believes firmly in hell and otherworldly evil
mildly superstitious 



Height/Weight/Build:  6'8", 240lbs, fairly muscular/soft "farm build" muscles more than cut, but not very stocky
Hair:  his hair appears to be bleached and has a sort of "been in the pool too much" greenish tint, sometimes bluer, but he's a natural straw blond
Skin: pale with tanned face and shoulders, generally rough texture
Eyes:  deep ultramarine due to his crystals. squinty. smile lines. playful/expressive, more than his words
sometimes crosseyed if he looks at anything moderately close to his face/can't uncross them easily
blank, dead-looking stare often, it's just his default face and not anything bad
Voice: deep, kind of soft spoken, very inviting 
Scars and Body Mods: some pockmarks from where he's forcibly removed crystals on impulse before his stress has gone down
some blue marks, also presumably from crystals
huge scar over his belly and sternum. always looks recent. extreme stress might cause it to bleed.
similar scar across his neck, but more healed and harder to "open"
Clothing Style: still dresses vaguely military-inspired casual-relaxed fashion. it seems like defiance but really he's just grown comfortable with the look
always long sleeves unless he is very comfortable
Glamored Appearance: n/a he looks normal until stuff activates except his hair, which people usually just write off as him being a hipster with a bad dye job or something
Other things of note: always has a vague small smile unless he's doing the dead stare



Primary Motivations/Goals: to use his guilt to positively better himself and do good things for people, looking for an adopted family member
Education Level: dropped out of highschool 
Transportation: bicycle
Financial Status + Residence: for now, one bedroom trashy apartment,
works as a janitor somewhere part time, but usually he's a sex worker,
owing to his nature as an incubus and his avoidance/guilt making relationships really hard for him,
he requires this work for survival and mental health more than for pay
Mental + Physical Health: Physically he's in fairly good shape, tho his time in the army is decades past he's still pretty strong and fit, if a bit lazy
His mental health is pretty poor, however.
under stress he's prone to PTSD flashbacks and other symptoms, guilty self destruction, hallucinations, etc.
He is Hypersexual due to trauma, even before he became an Incubus 
He has extreme difficulty forming relationships as he believes he does not deserve them
has an overal feeling that if something bad happens to him he deserves it
Supernatural Abilities: 1) gets covered in crystals/breathes a crystalizing gas under stress/tension.
in large amounts, the gas can cause potential respiratory damage to others, but smaller amounts clear sinuses and are loaded with
calming agents, dopamine/seratonin and/or pheremones depending on the situation he's in causing the tension
(he gets incredibly insecure and thinks he's exerting mind control over people even though his body does it and he can't help it)

2) can walk/see through certain barriers/area illusions/dimensional rifts
but ONLY if he has a high crystal content or his head is completely covered.
his head and other crystals will ring like a singing bowl if he reaches this state.
Sometimes it's ok, but most of the time it's horrifying.
he likes to avoid it, especially since he's dazed/forgets what he's doing or did during an episode
Skills: cooking, pretty good with kids,
Weaknesses: amnesiac, cowardice and avoidance,
anxiety that increases all other problems if he doesn't get close contact/intimacy with people,
Strengths: [??? gotta think on this]
Positive Traits: positive towards others, very caring and warm, humorous, tries hard
Neutral Traits: very obedient for better or worse, flirty, intuitive, blanks out
Negative Traits: coward, avoidant, impulsive under stress, self depriciating/destructive in the face of guilt 
Likes: intimacy, things he finds cute, scifi comedies about aliens living on earth, 80s music
Dislikes:  cashews, large knife-like objects, sweaty hands, certain kinds of perfume


Summary of backstory
Jamie Ganix quit school early due to an abusive teacher and joined the army with the last draft for the Vietnam War. Something went wrong and out of desperation and escapism brought on by PTSD, Jim accepted a drug. Along with a few other soldiers, he transformed and found himself wandering just outside of the world he knew, wandering in a Nightmarish hell. Much of this era is blanked from his memory due to amnesia, but he came out of it after a decade with scars he was sure should have killed him. He attempted to live normally at this time but something went terribly wrong... he doesn't speak much about it at all but the guilt he carries is fairly clear [will reveal more as it progresses IC]

Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your character?:
n/a for now