Hello! Would you be willing to consider a mix of money and art for https://toyhou.se/28792666.luma ?

I could do 15 and a chibi ( ex:https://toyhou.se/28057766.fte-chibi-raffle-ended , https://toyhou.se/28350566.madeleine )

HII! I know you’re looking for money and I hope to buy from you in the future, hence my subscription. But I really love https://toyhou.se/24139461.trick , can I offer 4 fullbodies, if not more? If he needs more, I can negotiate up to 6. It can be scenes, customs, redesigns, etc.

Can I offer 3 fullbodies EACH for https://toyhou.se/19889388.bnuuy 


2 for https://toyhou.se/20397720.tbn 

1 full and 2 headshots for https://toyhou.se/11147142.doggo-3 

So that’s 15-17+ art pieces.

Or you may look through my https://toyhou.se/DR_RAVENOUS/characters/folder:4829542 and sell them too! Including my money ones (since ur gonna sell them for money of course)