


5 years, 8 months ago


Phetris, The archangel of judgement. Her roll amongst the clouds is to choose where souls will end up after death using her ability to see everything that someone has done; She knows everything one has ever done, the sins they have committed and their acts of kindness. She uses the orb she holds in her tail to project the souls life before them if she needs too, and mainly focus' on souls who are in denile about their fate or those on the edge of both fates; giving her the final choice, heaven or hell.

She has a rather intimidating and serious demeanour, usually keeping a straight face in most situations giving her the nickname of ''Judgement'' amongst the lower ranking angels and making her somewhat of an outcast as the other angels assume she is always judging and waiting to take them down; in reality she cares not for most other mortals and immortals around her and keeps to her self. She is a rather passive angel and chooses not to get in fights most of the time; though if needs be she is strong enough to hold her own against large monsters.