Basic Info

Name meaning

sweet darkness of bitter death


Visual Masterlist Entry

Site Entry

Some Info About Her:

She has a rather unsettling fascination with death

Has an interest in plants

Rather bitter towards others

Has seemingly no interest in a significant other

She comes off as rather bitter and distant from others.

Often makes morbid death related comments

Turned bitter after some unfortunate events (to be explored)

Born from the dream of a morning man that strongly believed in the idea that one's deceased loved ones still follow the living.


+ Void subspecies (rare - restricted)

- Element Space Mane (Default)
- Halo (Default)
- Glowing Markings (Default)
- Skeletal Replacement Tail (Rare)
- Semi-transparent Hair (Uncommon)
- Light Accessories (Common)
- Light Body Foliage (Common)