Nichibotsu's Comments

I can offer 2 fulls and a headshot for them :)

AGhgah OFc OVO I would love to! 

It...may sounds strange but could you make the headshot for one of my sisters lions? She is 4 years old and just made her own characters to collect art for ^^"" I.....  I´ll let you ab any amought of my freebies if you draw her whole family QWQ"""  Its harsh to find someone who draws them  but she wishes to get art of thier Lion parents together with thier child so much :c 

annnndd for the fb`s I would love a couple art of them: x



orrrrr you can choose to draw one of them :3

annnndd one of them!

Oh I can totally draw your sisters lion family I’d love to! And for the couple art you suggested, their links don’t work! are they perhaps private or did you put the links in wrong?

Oh  THANK YOU SO SO MUCH QOQ!!!!! Thank you really!!! In her Lion family are only 3 Lions yes :3 you will make her really happy~<3  In her Lion family are only 3 Lions yes :3

argg and shit they are Privat XD wait A second I´ll autorize you!! 

If you want, I can put the lions on priority :3 so when you finished the Family art, you will get Nichibotsu. Than you have the time of your life to finish the art for me, to get all freebies you want!! :D

:O awesome! Is there a folder that the freebies are in that I could look at? And also I’m still unable to see them!

Upff srryyyy xD I´s just 1 am and my head is like soup lol

you´re autoized NOW!

and here are the freebies :3 (will get refilled here and than uvu) some are still left on Goblins_Petshop aswell 

*poke* qvq

And is it just those 3 lions in the family?

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Hi qVq I like nichi aswell but I cant draw Them well qq"" 

I would sell Them if youll give Them a loved home~♡♡ the money I would use to buy me a new pc...mine is broken :C

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I throught you said trade/sell. Ahhh sorry 

What are you Willingen to offer ouo

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