Offering: Art
Grid Number: D3 (gotta fuse MA BOYS)
Name: Cygnus
Species: ...drr... cat. Cat, I think. Yeah. Cat.
Gender: Male
Extra Info: Listen if he's got like glasses or anything else to signify that he's got the brains (look I'm a simple person who loves the Donatellos and the Simons of the world). He's a smart boy! But so nervous about it. He's trying his best. Does stargazing (no that doesn't hurt me at all idk what you're talking about)
Extra Visual Details You Want Specifically: Oh wait the glasses goes here I guess?

What amount of art would you be offering? đź‘€

Maybe two busts? :o

Alr ! And Of These Characters Would Be Great ^^

Cute! I can work on these and get them done in the next 1-4 days or so!

Hello! Your busts are complete (well, Peridot's ended up being more of a half-body shhhh)

A Peridot and Seaglass for you c:

Ty They Look Great!! I'll Send Over Your Boy ^^

Offering: Custom Character Desgins

Grid Number: C7

Name: Delta

Species: Cat 

Gender: Demigirl

Extra Info: 

Extra Visual Details You Want Specifically: Ad wings if possible, other then that ad flowers 

also another

Offering: Custom Character Desgin
Grid Number: C5
Name: Morning Glory
Species: Cat
Gender: Female
Extra Info:
Extra Visual Details You Want Specifically: Freckles and Mini Spots

Offer Accepted!

Will Message With More Info On Discorb :3