


8 years, 4 months ago


Previous design purchased from original artist CollyWobblies on 5/19/15.
Current design by shortbred debuted on 8/31/17.
Forever homed!

Name: Rem
Species: Sylveon/Amaura/Reuniclus
Sex: Male (pronoun: he, she, they)
Type: Normal/Psychic/Ice/Rock
Traits: Hybrid

current form; His anatomy is divided like a ball-jointed doll, with clear dividing lines of where his limbs would separate, yet they stay perfectly attached, reminiscent of Reuniclus. A floating heart bears itself before his chest, cloaked in a semi-transparent aura that bends and moves as though he was garnished in a flowing sash or ribbon, like his Sylveon heritage. It appears to carry some form of density to it, as when it falls upon someone it can be felt as though a breeze has passed over them, yet it cannot carry anything other than the floating heart. His pelt, the length of velvet, is a mish-mash of whites and blues from Sylveon and Amaura. He appears to be mocked up in the style of a sailor suit school uniform. Some say he fell asleep as a child and never woke up. He is now living in a dream, where every move he makes is gentle and sweet, silent and filled with ghostly serenity.

  • Rem was given his name based on REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep, where dreams are most active. Despite the anagram for his name, Rem never opens his eyes.
  • His movement is graceful and slow, every step taken with purpose. Even his falling speed is reduced incredibly, this is because of the psychic energy that constantly flows around him and keeps his body moving in, essentially, slow motion.