
5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Woman (She/Her)






A resident of Children's Place with a mysterious power. She has been tasked with liberating abused children. Margo affectionately refers to her as their "Agent."

She has enhanced strength beyond human capabilities. Due to her sporadic appearances and renegade nature, she has become something of an urban legend.

She is blind (almost no light perception) and uses a cane.

Jamie’s girlfriend.

Child abuse/medical abuse/homelessness cw in spoiler

Ange was a victim of human experimentation at a young age. When her parents abandoned her at the hospital due to her blindness, she was noticed by a crooked hospital worker involved with "The Facility" and kidnapped to become one of the first subjects of human enhancement testing, with the goal being to alter a person's physiology to cause inhuman powers to manifest in them. She was subject to extreme physical and mental stress from a young age in a medically abusive and dangerous environment. However, The Facility saw the changes in her physiology they had hoped for. Despite being severely malnourished, and by all accounts, should have been very weak, Ange began exhibiting a clearly inhuman strength around age 5. Because of this, The Facility upgraded security systems to ensure she couldn't escape... or so they thought. For the first 5 years of her life, Ange was virtually alone, but once they saw the program was a success, The Facility took more children to attempt to widen their research, and thus Ange met people who weren't her abusers for the first time, although the kids were mostly kept separate from each other. The Facility expanded their experiments from just strength enhancement to more abilities. They wanted to see if they could use animal dna or reactive elements to cause other powers in the new kids.

However, The Facility had let their guard down in their expansion. When Ange was 7, she broke out of The Facility and ran for her life. She got severely scratched up from running barefoot and crashing into things in her hurry, but she managed to get out thanks to the sewer system that led from a manhole in The Facility rounds to the outside world. She was close to the city, and survived for a few days in the sewers before she had to find some food. Using the walls of city buildings and people's footsteps as a guide, she stumbled through downtown at night, when fewer people were out. She found a small encampment and stole the food they had. Unfortunately, they discovered her because of her clumsiness and crashing around. When they realized it was a blind, malnourished kid, they let her off the hook though. She was invited to stay at the camp and looked after by an older woman in particular, although, the whole camp was mostly considerate of her. Around this time, she was given her first cane by an older vision-impaired man living at the camp, and taught how to use it, as well as some tips for navigating the world as a blind person. She had never been outdoors since she was taken to the facility as an infant, and she listened intently to everything the older homeless people taught her, becoming rather street-smart in the next 6 months, and eventually confident enough to explore the sewers alone.

When the police forcibly removed the homeless encampment Ange was a part of, she hid in the sewers, and despaired more than she had in a long time. She huddled in the sewer for about a week after that, scarcely able to eat, until another homeless kid stumbled upon her. This was Ange and Jamie’s first meeting. The two teamed up and formed a strong bond, looking out for each other and doing what they could to make life even the slightest bit easier. Jamie found out early about Ange's abilities when Ange punched a grown man out cold about a week after they first met. She asked Ange about it, who only gave her the bare minimum details, not wanting to relive her time in the facility. Jamie didn't pry further, being no stranger to trauma herself. Ange told her little bits and pieces from time to time. Later, they met Margo and Conner, and the 4 became a group, all looking out for each other. She is one of the founders of Children's Place.

Ange is the first one to realize The Facility is the culprit behind Leja's trauma when they rescue her. Ange is also the only member of the main cast with intimate knowledge of The Facility and their methods, as she is a survivor herself. With Leja's discovery, she decides to open up completely to her friends about her past, and how she plans to liberate all the kids from The Facility.