Cyrus Lyon



5 years, 7 months ago


Cyrus | |  | 20 | 5'9 | ISTJ | Human | Student

For as long as she can remember, Cyrus has been given strict rules growing up as her father's golden child.
How to walk, sit, speak, eat... like a princess she was given high expectations on how to act around others. Her father gave her these lessons personally- keeping the child close to his side for him to constantly observe and scrutinize. Cyrus was and is his proudest project.

From young, she can remember standing in the crowd with her mother as he spoke behind a podium,
Sitting quietly in a chair as he reprimanded in meetings,
Listening hours on end, of his own lectures.
To her, her father was perfect- and she wanted to be like him.

It wasn't until she was about five that she had gotten the news she was getting a sister despite her mother never being pregnant.
That moment she realized he wasn't perfect- and it only became harder from there.


Cyrus was home-schooled for most of her life with a combined effort of invited tutors and her father. Despite spending so much time around her father since she was little, Cyrus finds it difficult to say that she's close to him. To her, a father is a more authoritarian figure who shaped her into what she needed to be. This led to a lot of pressure and isolation in her upbringing. She was taught to be as close to perfect as humanly possible and failure wasn't not an option. Instead, it was a reflection of something she needed to work on.

Her upbringing was lavish, her father supplying her with anything she needed in order to succeed- and he allowed rewards so long that she did well. He wasn't directly abusive enough to go as far as hitting her or berating her, but he was abusive denying her of regular love and understanding. Her social life lacked until her senior year, where her father had her attend public school so that she could make connections and exercise her social skills.

Appearance & Personality

Cyrus is a tall girl, standing at 5'9 with a fuller figure. Many comment that she's bloomed into a picteresque version of a mature young lady. She gets a lot of stares for her figure and as a result she usually turns to modest clothing: only being a bit more adventurous when she has to attend specific events with her father. Her face is round with pouty lips that can easily curl into a warm inviting smile.  Her skin is light brown with her eyes and hair being a deeper chocolate color. Her hair is smooth with light curls and she either leaves it out or pulls it into two low pigtails. According to her, her father's always responded positively to the style.

Her tone and speech is very proper, enough so that when people hear her they assume that she hasn't lived in Pococo for most of her life.

  • She smells like expensive perfume.
  • She usually wears pinks, whites, browns and tans.
  • Her style consists of modest skirts, button downs, sweaters, and dresses.
  • Her hair is extremely well taken care of.

The further her father oversaw her development, the tougher he became. It became hours upon hours of studying, practice, volunteering, observation- there was never a moment's rest.
It was hammered into her that she would own this city, she should know it's ins and outs, the people in it, the things that could be done... this made her proud- it gave her drive, but under his thumb... she was suffocating. Since her teens, she started to develop unhealthy habits, mainly anger issues where she couldn't help having melt downs on some nights, and lashing out on others.

But, in her teens, she started to form a relationship with her sister. Ami helped her figure out who she really was at her core.
And it was the first time she realized how unahppy she was. This was her only salvation, and her only reason to keep going.

Otherwise, Cyrus is a studious, meticulous, perfectionist. She is the type to always put her best foot forward and aims to give 110% in any activity. This means that when something isn't perfect on the first try it can be a huge hit to her. Even though she is highly critical to herself, she is quick to be understanding and gentle with others. She enjoys being kind, and having other people look up to her. Her main hobbies are cooking, journaling, babysitting, working out and she's found an outlet for her anger in judo and gun training. She's settled with her life for now but would much rather become a lawyer, train to be a cop or most ideally become a housewife.

Fast forward to present day, Cyrus grew into a respectable young lady. Intelligent, beautiful, and what Marcus would consider a gem to the Lyon name.
But, she doesn't know how to tell him that this isn't what she wants.

  • She is insecure about her weight.
  • Her favorite moments are the time she gets to spend with Ami and she will often plan different activities for them.