


5 years, 8 months ago


Orientation: Lesbian

Crass, incurably headstrong, with a fiery temper and quick to bare her fangs, Veára is a woman best left alone. Her disposition is more akin to that of a wild animal than a person; instinctively hostile and distrustful, though it should come as little surprise, can one even really call her human at this point? From the rows of hard, sharp scales that adorn her skin, the wicked claws in place of human fingers, and a crooked crown of golden horns bursting from her head Veára appears more like a monster of myth than a human and equally as frightful. Those who were unlucky enough to come across her path attest to her ferocity, blubbering in terrified mutters of how flesh morphed to scale, leathered wings sprouted from her back, and where once stood the form of a woman now loomed a beast of a dragon, her roar loud enough to make men faint on the spot. Veá prefers the company of herself and no one else, well, that's not entirely true. She has a bit of a special bond with Mikhail, a young mage boy who once saved her life, and to whom she owes an enormous debt. His ecomancy helps soothe her rage and the pain of her often uncontrollable transformations. His company, unwanted at first, swiftly became a guilty comfort. Though she'd never admit it aloud, she has an extreme soft spot for the boy and is fiercely protective of him. The two have taken to traveling Celanis and the world outside it's borders together in search of a cure for their respective curses. For Veára was not always half dragon; decades ago she once was a Flamesborn crown princess, next in line for the Celanic throne. But tragedy struck, a mysterious stranger appeared, and cursed Veá to live the rest of her life in the form of a dragon. Her only cure, to hunt down the axe wielding huntress who originally placed this curse on her, and kill them. And Veá will stop at nothing to crush that villainess into a bloody stain between her claws.

Main Class: Beastkin