


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name:

Louise Morisot (Mori-so)

Mutant Name:



Mutated Snail, human (formerly)





Louise grew up in the high-rises of New York City with her wealthy family, the Morisots. Raised into prestige, her wealthy family introduced her to the arts and music of the upper class. At a young age, she picked up piano and quickly was a well-known pianist for orchestras and concertos. She had a simple life without hurting for anything she ever wanted or needed, but always felt drained from her lifestyle. Due to her family's social circles, she rarely left East Side or met new people.

One day, while playing at a concerto, she was stung by an Oozequito and came into contact with mutagen, causing her to mutate into a snail-like creature. She fled East Side to escape her family's embarrassment and quickly learned she wasn't made for the "real" New York. She found solace in the mutant city underground where she started working as a songstress and pianist under the name "Adagio" at various restaurants. Originally a pacifist, she refused to fight other mutants but over time she realized the need for self-defense and survival skills. After a bad brush with Meat Sweats, she finally decided to train herself in ninjitsu and honed her skills somewhat decently, enough to stay out of trouble. Lives in a small apartment in the underground. Meets the Turtles when they visit the Mutant Pizza Shop regularly and becomes casual friends with the brothers. Has a massive crush on Donatello and hates herself for it.

Fighting Style and Stats

Fighting is her last resort and she doesn't have the desire to be violent, but she also isn't afraid to use deadly force to protect herself or others. She has a very specific style of fighting. Based off ballet and ballroom dance, the core of her style is rhythm and tempo based and she must wear her headphones and listen to music to stay on beat. If her headphones are knocked off, she will lose rhythm and struggle to keep up. She typically listens to piano sonatas or orchestral music, but can adapt to almost any genre. Her weapon of choice is a non-lethal set of bolas, and she is decent at hand-to-hand combat. She is a slow fighter, but concise in her attacks.

Power: ***
Defense: ****
Speed: **
Stamina: *****


Unsure of herself and others, Adagio prefers to keep to herself. She's rather timid and it takes her a while to warm up to new people. She is rather sheltered and has yet to fully adjust to the mutant underground. Polite and and well-mannered, she is a lady of standards in every sense of the word. Is easily flustered and overthinks what she says way too much. Some of her upbringing still comes out every now and then and she can be a bit prissy at times, but she is very loving and affectionate to those who manage to get her to come out of her shell [snail pun very much intended]. She can be pretty brooding and moody at times and isn't very good at hiding her true feelings. Is a total goofball deep down but self-conscious of dropping her defenses. She deeply misses her family, but knows she can never go back, and finds her new unpredictable life better in some ways. Tries to stay positive to the point of joking herself. Loves to play piano and write poetry in her down time.


Donatello: Although she has a crush on Donatello, they butt heads frequently and Donnie's cold abrasiveness rubs her gentle, feeling spirit the wrong way. He often questions her actions based solely on feelings and Dodgy has choice words for his "all logic, no feel" attitude. They argue almost as much as Leo and Raph on a regular basis, irking each other over the smallest of things. However, Adagio is stubborn in her attempts to convince Don to take better care of himself (however annoying it may be to him) and curve his self-neglecting. Over time he does find a comfort in her hanging around and learns about his more emotional, soft side. Despite his ego, Dodgy admires his intellect and determination. And despite being constantly irritated by her, Donnie appreciates her gentle spirit and fiery determination. They love to watch sci-fi movies and the science channel together, mostly because Adagio is the only person in the house who remotely tolerates it.

Michelangelo: Dodgy sees Mikey as the little brother she's always wanted. As artists, they connect on a deep emotional level and have spent many late nights discussing their feelings to one another. Adagio loves to offer feedback on Mikey's art, and Mikey is fascinated by her musical talent. Mikey also brings out a goofy side to Dodgy that she rarely shows anyone else. They have many inside jokes with one another and are constantly cracking jokes that no one else in the room understands. They are so close that most people assume they are dating, but they both vehemently deny this and see each other as siblings. Mikey has been trying to push Donnie and Adagio together since their first awkwardly tense moment. Dodgy and Mikey pretty much like to do anything together, as long as they can crack a joke about it. Bad horror movies are a favorite of theirs. 


-Although very skilled at piano, she also has some vocal training.
-Can barely sleep without listening to music.
-Her human ethnicity was Italian
-Fell asleep on Donnie one time watching a movie and now sits all the way across the room in fear of doing it again