ROCKY ROAD (Osborne Parker)



5 years, 6 months ago


The rival against our protagonists! The hot stud waiting to wreck everyone's party!

Or well, he used to be. 

Rocky Road is one of the main contestants of Legerdemain, along with Sherryl and Goat Kid. He was originally supposed to act as the opponent to the detective and idol, but due to the unforeseen circumstance of him not being the only occupying his body, he ended up helping them survive the gameshow. 

Due to Legerdemain being based in the dreamworld, once Rocky dies in a game, he doesn't wake up like most people do--- instead, he switches places with Osborne Parker, another facet of himself. Allowing the man to help the protagonists as they uncover the truth.

During the day, the real Osborne Parker takes up the stage, working on songs and concerts as he deals with the painful memories of his past life.