


5 years, 7 months ago


*Half vampire

*One of the children found in the burning orphanage. One of the dying survivors that were brought to life by Paniki by giving them his vampiric blood. However, after being revived they didn't realize what had happened. For a few days Paniki nurtured all his new half-offspring, before leaving them. To let them choose their own path, and in fear of the future hatred of what they realized what he has done to them.

*Wasylyna however embraced this "curse" some would call it. Fast regeneration, slow growth, inhuman strength and power? What more could for a girl ask for? However what she can do is a fraction of what her progentitor can from what's she's learned. 

*Pretty petty and goes around tricking people

*Has a "better than thou" complex for those human and non supernatural

*A prankster who  will often take her pranks to far if she's hungry

*Searching for Paniki to receive his blood a second time, to become a full vampire

*Drinks unholy quantities of blood because she "Can", however the more she drinks the more she feels like a "full" vampire. To the vampire world she is referred to the Child of Greed. Her constant desire for more at the cost of others is quite appalling, even though her somewhat innocent demeanor makes it hard to tell.