Leon's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Noxicate Global Rules
  • Don't claim any of my designs or art as your own, the only acceptation is if it's a headshot and you want to make a fb, you're allowed to add partial credit for the full body design.

    Do not resell a design for more then you got it for. (ex: a freebie must be given away for free unless art is added, same with designs bought with USD.)

    If you get a design by me and decide to put it up for free please notify me beforehand.

    Do not give ANY characters or adopts to the people on my blacklist, or you'll be added there as well (I keep track of my designs so don't try to loophole this).

    Don't guilt trip or beg me for free art/characters.

    Please DO NOT put characters on authorize only, i'd like to see if my characters are used or not.

    Do NOT heavily inspire/reference/copy off my designs without permission. This includes color picking.

    Never delete a character of mine, if this is done I have every right to remake the character and revoke it from you.

  • Last updated 8/26/24