
19 days, 20 hours ago


Jocelyn (AKA Vandal)


Vandal with her gasmask and splatter grenades

Comic Relief, S.Q member
2BDamned, Hank
A.A.H.W., Nexus Core
- "IDK, I just think his reputation is a little overblown. I've never seen him do something too egregious, considering this is Nevada. At least he's considerate... unlike those assholes..."
- Jocelyn, failing to notice Hank decapitaing an agent in the background

Jocelyn is a background gag character in the Madness Combat series. She wears a black tanktop and jeans, a coat with a fur collar, and is covered in bandages. Her mask has a LCD display visor: it can blink/make expressions and the colorful bits around it are thin strips of neon lights. I know it's not practical but I think it looks fucking sweet. She debuted in the background of Madness Combat ? as an A.A.H.W janitor. She was fired from that job and seen in the background of several episodes having a bad time as a renegade until she almost got killed for setting a Nexus Core base on fire in Madness Combat ?. She joins S.Q in her current form during Madness Combat ?.



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Powers and Abilities


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Jocelyn was a janitor at an A.A.H.W base in the early days of the agency. No matter how much she didn't like it, it was better to have a job and protection in a shithole like Nevada than to try to make it on her own. The cleaning staff were the lowest rung socially in the facility and weren't treated particularly well. Thankfully, this was before the Auditor banned parties (and started nailing dissenters to the ceiling). The S.Q never raided her building so, while she believed that Hank and his allies were real, she thought how scary they are was propaganda.

61197672_U77WHF0emC84yOV.pngTattered Jocelyn (Proto-Vandal)

It's not exactly clear what she said to get herself fired, but the aftermath was dire for her. No housing, no weapons, bleeding from the face, abandoned in the desert to die. She's spared a slow and ugly death by walking towards the rising fireball of an exploded building (courtesy of S.Q) that appears on the horizon.

She found a service road leading away from the burnt-out husk to a new town. She made a new living stealing and selling things on the black market. From this day forward, she hated the agency and swore revenge... in the form of tagging their buildings with shitty graffiti. She isn't quite ready to commit violence yet. At this point, she's a minor nuisance at best and too slippery to be worth going after in earnest so she's left alone.


During one of her vandalism sessions, she almost got caught and resorted to using her spray paint as a make-shift flamethrower. She burnt her face, forearms, and upper body in the process, along with an entire outbuilding that was housing several thousand dollars in equipment.

The A.A.H.W wanted her dead for the equipment she ruined, the agents she killed, and an unflattering portrait of Auditor she painted. She fled the scene of the crime back to her illegal contacts and used them to find S.Q. She joined up for her own protection and decided to no longer be shy about killing the people who want to kill her.

She got so frustrated with graffiti she created splatter grenades- all the explode-y, shrapnel-y goodness of normal grenades but they leave huge, Jackson-Pollock splotches of color.


Constant Cleaning

  • Jocelyn is roped into cleaning at least one (1) huge mess in every appearance. Once she finishes cleaning, the area is immediately ruined again.
  • Even after she loses her janitorial job, the universe conspires against her
  • Out in the desert? A body flung across the map by a faraway fight lands right in front of her, splattering her with blood.
  • Just finished mopping at S.Q headquarters? Sanford and Deimos burst in, dragging a kidnapped agent in for questioning, and track mud all over the floor
  • Exception: The idea of Hank being the only one who doesn't make more mess for her to clean is very, very funny to me.
  • She and Hank make eye contact while he's still outside the door and he'll stomp the mud off his boots on the welcome mat/wring the blood out of his coat before coming in.

Shitty Graffiti

  • Jocelyn is a good artist, but she's indecisive and gives up too fast
  • Her graffiti appears in the background of episodes: huge outlines of impressive pieces all scribbled over with dicks lol
  • Ironic writing: arrow pointing at Hank's wanted poster with "I think you guys are overreacting" while Hank slaughters a roomful of grunts, etc

Likes Hank(?)

  • Through some baby-in-a-construction-site vintage cartoonshenanigans, she never sees Hank do anything fucked up
  • He's her favorite since he doesn't make more messes for her to clean (see above)
  • She gets the completely wrong idea about him and thinks he's nice. No one can convince her otherwise. It drives people she talks to NUTS.
  • Why does he have an agency against him specifically? The A.A.H.W are a bunch of dickwads, of course they'd be after the only grunt with manners!
  • Why is he so lethal? In Nevada, it's kill or be killed. Doesn't mean he's not a nice guy.
  • He used Deimos as a bullet sponge! She'd do that too, he never wipes his fucking feet.

Weapons Used

Mop (Melee)
  • Although not a combatant, she can be seen in the background of Madness Combat ? swatting agents away from her with her mop when they get in her way. She doesn't notice it's Hank that keeps knocking them towards her.
Spray Can (flamethrower)
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Splatter Grenade
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