
5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Jane Johari L贸pez-Okoye


The Druid


Jojo, Hex Girl, Hermione, Janie




Ribney, Montana


Trans Woman (She/Her)


Lesbian Ace

Notable diagnoses

Autism spectrum disorder, Complete bilateral blindness, Celiac Disease

Languages (In order of fluency)



Playlist: 馃幎
Theme: 馃幍


  • 184 lbs, chubby with soft curves
  • 5'8''
  • Black natural hair in dreadlocks down to her shoulder-blades; sometimes seen in a ponytail聽
  • No facial hair
  • Dull brown eyes
  • Sable聽skin
  • Is High Goth FemmeTM, and mostly wears black leather esme boots with various patterned leggings (which her moms love to pick out) and black goth dresses; in cold/icy weather and around the dairy farm she will wear tan leather work boots instead as well as a Big Huge heavy winter coat with a faux fur hood with gloves
  • Always wears a moonstone crystal and an oral stim mouthpiece on a silver chain necklace
  • Always uses a collapsible white cane to navigate when outside her house
  • Pupils never dilate nor focus, and Jane will never "look" at anything with her eyes; she looks by either feeling things out with her hands or, much more frequently, angling and inclining her head towards the thing or person of interest and listening


  • Mannerisms: Rubbing her moonstone between her fingers, walking on her tip-toes, unfolding and refolding her cane, tapping her fingertips together before flapping her hands, swishing her skirt and/or her hair, chewing on her necklace, Raptor HandsTM
  • Motivations: Family, Nature, Humanity, Spirituality
  • Flaws: Shy, Impulsive, Submissive, Reclusive
  • Strengths: Passionate, Idealistic, Empathetic, Optimistic
  • Hobbies:Folk music, Singing, Studying/Info-dumping about Victorian history, Dungeons & Dragons


  • Birthday: January 3
  • Education: Associate of Arts
  • Occupation: Unemployed (Is part of a garage folk band though!)
  • Religion:Wicca
  • Politics: Pacifist Anarchist
  • Favorite color texture: Smooth-cut stone
  • Favorite food: Pineapple pizza
  • Favorite possession: Her moonstone necklace
  • Favorite weapon: A positive attitude
  • Favorite animal: Doggos
Key Relationships:
  • Temperance L贸pez-Okoye - Mother "Mama"
  • Lilith L贸pez-Okoye - Mother "Mum"
  • Morrigan L贸pez-Okoye - Little Sister
  • Cara Ninovan - Best friend/Girlfriend 馃幍, 馃幍, 馃幍
Social Circle:
  • Cian Rogers - Spirituality Friend
  • Constance Shepard - Aesthetic Friend
  • Asadi Habib - Philosophy Friend
  • Ghazuz Zahir - Grumpy Friend
  • The family dog is a pitbull-ish mutt named Baphomet who has decided Jane is her mother but also her child
  • Plays acoustic guitar and is a backup singer in her garage folk band "Frost Daffodils"
  • Is Extremely Picky about audio-visual transcriptions for movies and TV shows, so she mostly sticks to audio books and podcasts
  • When she has the spoons, loves to tag along with the Montana Satanic Temple or members of the Cheyenne Tribe for various protests around the state
  • Fastest way for her to have a meltdown is unexpected touch/for strangers to grab her wanting "to help the poor blind girl"
  • Has extremely sensitive hearing and easily gets overstimulated when surrounded by too loud/too many noises but also gets panicky if things are silent and there's nothing to ground her
  • Has over a dozen white canes because she frequently breaks them in meltdowns
  • Absolutely. Loves. Hammocks. Bonus points if Baphomet's laying on her. Double bonus points if Baphomet AND Cara are laying on her.


Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Jane and her mother Temperance Okoye - a high school counselor - moved to Montana when she was 15 to get away from threats of violence - based on Jane's transness, the color of their skin, and their "occultness" as Wiccans. Temperance met Jane's second mother, Lilith L贸pez, a Satanist dairy farmer with a daughter named Morrigan L贸pez, when Jane was 17. Ever since, Jane has had the support of two loving mothers and a best friend/sister to encourage her pursuit of music and activism. She enrolled in the nearest community college for a degree in music, where she met a Cheyenne cowgirl named Cara. After hopelessly crushing on each other for two years, Cara girlfriend-proposed at graduation, and the two have been in lesbians love and ready to Fight for Conservation ever since.