


5 years, 7 months ago


 General Info

↳ Name - Cheer
↳ Nickname(s) - n/a
↳ Age - 20
↳ Gender - Trans man, he/him/his
↳ Orientation - Gay
↳ Species - Tiefling
↳ Height - 5'3
↳ Build - Slim
↳ Occupation - Adventurer
↳ Voice claim - n/a


Although Cheer's pretty (according to him) cowardly, you can't necessarily tell just by looking at him - he acts very cheerful and often flirtatious, managing to pick up men with the absolute worst pick-up lines. He doesn't often show emotions beside joy, preferring to keep a brave face on or bottle up his very rare bouts of anger. He has a hard time trusting others, stemming from a past betrayal, and usually holds them at arm's length, with the exception of Elfijä.

Despite his misgivings, he does enjoy being around other people, and prefers it to traveling alone. He feels extremely negatively about his appearance, to the point that he allows his parents to think he's dead so that they don't have to see him "like this". He's very much a family person and believes that your family is important, but also understands that some people have birth families they may not want to associate with.

Likes and Dislikes

💕 Bread
💕 Elfijä
💕 Men

❌ Violence
❌ Forests
❌ Mirrors

Misc. Notes

↳ Often has nightmares
↳ Has a prosthetic right leg
↳ Wears an amulet that functions as a heart
↳Albino; he often wears a cloak or stays in his and Elfijä's wagon when it's sunny