


5 years, 7 months ago


General Info

↳ Name - Telrass
↳ Nickname(s) - Tel
↳ Age - 23
↳ Gender - Trans man, he/him/his
↳ Orientation - Gay
↳ Species - Tiefling
↳ Height - 5'7
↳ Build - Slim, unhealthily so
↳ Occupation - Mercenary
↳ Voice claim - n/a


Although you couldn't tell it by the large party he travels with, Telrass generally prefers nature to people, with the exception being his best friend, Luca. He can often come across as cold or sarcastic, when in reality he just doesn't have a good grasp on tone. He doesn't dislike people, though, and has devoted himself to helping them; although this is more due to his belief of being Helm's champion and thus it being his mission to. 

He holds himself to higher standards than he does other people, and often berates himself for doing things he wouldn't bat an eye at if anyone else did. He's also very work-driven, and feels uncomfortable when he's not doing anything or doing something he considers a waste of time/unhelpful, oftentimes driving himself to exhaustion and refusing to eat more than the bare minimum needed.

Religion is one of the most important things to him, and he often spreads the name of Helm wherever he can, but doesn't push his god onto anyone unwilling, or mind when people worship other gods, unless the god is evil or otherwise harmful.

Likes and Dislikes

💕 Helm
💕 Snuggle
💕 Luca
💕 Animals
💕 Nature

❌ Cars
❌ His father
❌ Loud noises
❌ People who hurt the innocent
❌ Mirrors, other reflective surfaces

Misc. Notes

↳ Ranger
↳ Raised on a farm
↳ Has a bag of confetti
↳ Has a tattoo of Helm's symbol on his back
↳ Has one black eye (left) and one white eye (right)
↳ Once broke open a car window to rescue a dog
↳ Psychotic; experiences hallucinations, delusions, etc.
↳Attempted necromancy, and as a result has scars from it; black whorls spiraling up his arms to the elbows
↳Also has a scar on his inner right arm, from when, during a hallucination, he thought something was buried beneath the skin