*Mayumi Silva*




Name Mayumi Silva
Age 17
Gender Female
Race Filipino, Dominican-Hispanic, Japanese (Victini)
Occupation Nail Artist, High-School Student, Magical Girl
V.C. Hayley Kiyoko


Height 6' 0"
Build Thin, athletic, lanky
Eyes Sapphire-Blue w/ Frost-Blue Sclarae
Skin (fur) Dark Warm-Grey w/ Off-White Freckle-Like Markings
Hair Dark Grey, Ends Dyed Violet
Style Kind of between Feminine and Butch (usually just a touch more fem tho), Usually Cute and Comfy Clothes


Mayumi is a bubbly, social 17-yr-old Victini. She became a magical girl when she wished for the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of her cousin, Asuka. Her wish simply gave her what she asked for; the ability to understand and feel the emotions of her cousin so she could have the opportunity to try and help her.

Mayumi is overall a fun-loving, exitable character. She is incredibly social and affectionate, often randomly doing nice things for her friends and is willing to help anyone at the drop of a hat. She is highly extroverted, absolutely florishing in social situations and group work. Mayumi is also quite blunt, often getting right to the point in situations. She is also pretty energetic and bouncy, often jumping from place to place and from idea to idea. Moema has a bit of a temperament, as she can get a bit carried away with acting on strong emotions.

She grew up in a small beach town with a rather large family of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Mayumi was kind of the family clown and had a knack for making her family laugh. At around the age of 9, Mayumi's life took a turn when she lost her mother, Ami. Ami became ill and bedridden while pregnant with her younger siblings Bituin and Diwata. After Ami passed, Mayumi, her father, and her newborn siblings moved to Mitakihara at the invitation of Mayumi's paternal grandparents. That is when Mayumi met her icy Alolan Vulpix cousin. Her cousin, Asuka, always kept to herself and never really talked about her feelings. In attempts to help, Mayumi often tried to ask Asuka about her day and feelings. Asuka soon got angry at Mayumi's attempts to barge into her business and yelled at her, telling her that "she couldn't read her mind, so she needed to stop acting like she knew her". Mayumi, sad yet still desiring to help her cousin, made her wish soon after Kyubey showed himself to her.




  • Running
  • Poloroid Cameras
  • Pastel Colors
  • Spicy Food


  • Cold
  • Large Bodies of Water
  • Needles
  • Sitting Still for Too Long


  • Has Mid-Grade ADHD
  • Was origininally a Litten (and, for a bit, a Torracat), but permanently became a Victini later on
  • Has a nail-art instagram under the name "Claws-and-Cuties"
  • Loves taking poloroid pictures of seemingly-random things (in reality, these "seemingly-random" things always remind her of fond memories)


I'd Rather Be Me

Girls Like Girls

Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time

New Americana




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