(TBN)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

ferrisworm Global Rules

updated 10-27-23

design TOS

Really the only thing I'll get pissy about is selling a free design without drawing them once. Seriously, just do a headshot or something and I'll be happy. It's just kinda rude

I'd appreciate it if you'd also draw any adopts you buy from me at least once before selling them for a higher price if you haven't commissioned art or done a trade or smth. Again, you could do a 5 minute sketch and price them for $200 extra, i don't really care, this is just a very specific pet peeve. I wont blacklist you or anything i'll just be kinda mad for a little while. this only applies if you bought them with money if you did art or character trades i aint mathing that do whatever you want

When you buy an adoptable from me you are given full commercial rights to the character design, but NOT my art.