


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




None (Appearance 17 years old)


None (male pronouns)






Unknown/Can use daggers or spears



Current Occupation

Pretending he's an angel






Doesn't understand feelings but is trying to, trying to fit in, trying to seem happy but his smile looks so over the top no one would ever believe it, he tries though


Wendiger (father figure, creator), Nyanka (Sees her as some kind of sister)

Written Description

To be edited.


Kimiyo is a puppet created by the scientist Wendiger as an experiment to infuse a soul stolen from a living being into a life-sized puppet and see if it would actually work to create a new lifeform by wiping the soul's memory. 

The experiment was a great success except for the factor of emotions that a stolen soul makes really hard to get working, so Kimiyo basically does not understand how emotions work, why others have them and why he barely has any. He does feel flickers of emotions from his stolen soul that do belong to the memories Wendiger erased so they have no connection to the actual situation Kimiyo is in which makes it really confusing for him. He is trying his best to gain some understanding of them.

Kimiyo sees Wendiger as his father and also calls him that because Wendiger told him to. In general, he does anything Wendiger tells him to, be it to try to be like all the others, try to understand emotions, help Wendiger with his science experiments or kill a whole bunch of civilians - Kimiyo will do it, especially since he does not understand the difference between good or bad. He does not know that killing is evil and Wendiger doesn't tell him because why would he? He needs some deaths for his experiments and it's really helpful for him if Kimiyo kills some people.

Currently, Wendiger is trying to understand trans-dimensional portals so he told Kimiyo to use bloodmagic by killing hundreds of people to open a portal to another dimension and go through it. On the other side, Kimiyo had no more orders and couldn't make another portal to get back (those bloodmagic-portals only work once per soul). So he figured it was all Wendigers plan and continued executing another order he had: To try to understand emotions and fit in.

So he searched this new world for a place that would work best to work towards that goal and found a place full of people with white feather wings like his: Heaven. So he decided to pretend to be an angel, totally oblivious to everyone around his realizing he is not by his weird behaviour. He's usually trying to smile to look friendly but does it like way to wide and opens his eyes wide so he looks more like a psychopath than a friendly person. He doesn't notice that himself though. 

He's really trying his best to pretend to be an angel but he's really horrible at pretending. The other angels torate him in heaven though since he's trying really hard and some even try to teach him some things but most find him too annoying and weird and avoid him.