
Name: Quincy

Nicknames: Quinn

Age: 16 years

Birthday: 3/19

Species: Mystery Candy

Height: 5'3

Gender: Demiboy

Orientation: Asexual/Abromantic

Significant Other: N/A

Friend(s): Mandi, Leo, Chiffon

Family: N/A

Favorite Food: Cookies

Fears/Phobias: Claustrophobia, Pyrophobia 

Hobbies: Cleaning, Reading, Drawing

Likes: Cookies, Stuffed Animals, Mandi

Dislikes: Crispin, Watermelon, Eggs

Strengths: Speed, Stealthy, Kind

Weaknesses: Child like, Ignorant, Possessive

Personality: Quincy is a very child like person. He doesn't speak much but when he does he really sounds like a child. When he isn't playing around with a stuffed animal or coloring in some coloring books then he's probably helping Mandi out in the kitchen.

Extra: Quincy actually sees Mandi as a mother figure due to her being the only one who cared for him when he was first found by the group.