Danny's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Weezleton Global Rules

RULES (required):
☆ Credit me for my designs & artwork
★ The usual do not steal, scam, etc.
☆ Don't use my designs to harm people/groups IRL;
(Fictional villains are OK, but no threat/hate art towards real people/groups/communities.)
★ Absolutely DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, revoke my design from someone else. Revoking is illegal, if someone is scamming/being abusive just report & block them.
☆ Do not apply your own rules or restrictions to my design/oc when re-selling/trading/etc.
★ Do not remove, edit, or modify my watermark(s) or signature(s)

APPRECIATED (but optional) :
♡ Tell me when you are wanting to rehome my design (in case I‘d love to buy/trade for them back!)
♥ Consider tipping/donating/etc. if you use my design for commercial use! I’d appreciate it so so much. <33
♡ Put my username/credit in refsheets for the character
♥ Offspring & fusions are also OK!
But if the design uses a lot of aspects/features from my design, credit me somewhere as design parent or design inspiration! 

You can use my designs (that you own) for adult works, fetish/kink content, fursuits/costumes, comics/stories/games, merch, sonas, shipping (including oc x canon, oc x oc, and self-shipping), gore, horror, etc.

You pretty much own full rights unless it’s explicitly stated we’re co-owning or you bought partial rights.