Toshiro Mori



5 years, 7 months ago


What is Toshiro Mori?

- No one really knows what he is? He's not too sure himself

- his body is shared by two people, himself, and "Toshiro"

- When he gets all big and buff like on the left, that's Toshiro.

- The smaller version is Mori

- Mori suffers from a disease that causes him to bleed and leak black liquids, and his eye sight to fail

- Toshiro, in theory, seems to be a parasite that protects Mori, and even keeps his body alive when they switch


- Sarcastic and distant

- Hates large crowds

- Despises loud noises and people, he can't handle that energy.

- He enjoys daydreaming and in general, ignoring his unfortunate reality

- He doesn't like Ryoko, at all.

- Tolerates everyone else.

- Although he seems to like Synsthesia the most.


- Energetic and brutal

- Enjoys causing a bit of havoc, and seems to have a bit of a trickster personality

- Although kinda brutal in fighting style, he refuses to kill anyone

- That doesn't mean he wont fight, he won't take a life, but he sure will fuck it up

- Misses out on a lot of social cues, and a lot of jokes often go over his head

- Very protective over Mori, and will take the body if he's in danger

- Was he born into the body alongside Mori? Or is he some sorta parasite?