Sakura Mikulapis's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Modfience Global Rules

After purchasing, all design aspects belong to the new owner, and are allowed to be changed for personal use(I am not responsible for any misused/mistreatment of design such as promotion of hate speech if owner choses to offend). Do not edit or draw over my official designs or art (unless directly given permission such as examples of a base or “color in”). Redesigning and adding art is fine so long as the design stays recognizable (similar colors, silhouette, proportions though anatomy can change).To resell it must be at the same price as purchased (or discounted/see discount terms), unless design is changed by current owner and/or additional art. Additionally, please do not restrict my design from being visible to me. If the design is authorized only, please authorize me. I hate to see my work go missing… /When reselling adopts, you are allowed to discount them as long as it isn’t below $5 (ex. If you receive a character worth $20 and you resell for $3) is not acceptable without permission. If you do not want a character please message me as I might want them back, I’m willing to buy back or trade if needed, or just give permission to trade/sell. Trading any character is perfectly fine unless I mentioned otherwise in their profile.