
5 years, 8 months ago


Name: dusk

Age: ???? - its really unknown, he does not seem to know either

Gender: male

Species: fennec fox

Powers (description): dusk says " i-i can make heat or cold from my body.. please like me.." well a bit of explaining, dusk can make his fur super hot or super cold. He raises his body temp or lowers it and his fur color changes to red for heat or blue to cold. His fur gets fluffy if its hot and spiky if its cold.

Personality: Dusk is very shy and sweet bean overall. He cares a lot about others and is that guy you know who is shy but loves everyone. Hes kinda scared of everything but he's a sweet heart inside. He wants to become friends with everyone in paradise.

Reason for being in Paradise: Dusk was picked on a lot as a kid. He was laughed at and growled at and attacked and abused. Dusk hated it so much, he didnt want to make them hate him more for his powers (at the time he could makes fires and shoot ice and make his fur hot or cold) One day while it was snowing, dusk was walking around with some classmates (who hated him) a snowstorm started and they left dusk out in the forest. Dusk ran around panting trying to find home. He ran into a tree and passed out. The gods felt bad for him and sent him to paradise. They took away some of his power so that he could not live in fear anymore.