
5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info








2'6" (her ears make her 2'8")


75 lbs.


Unknown (it takes a lot alone to earn her trust)


American Curl


Sam and Max: Freelance Police

Favorite Foods

Anything sweet, sushi

Disliked Foods

Anything spicy


Basic Info: Ruby is an American Curl known for fitting into tight places and sneaking around while being quieter than a mouse.


Appearance: Ruby is a small American Curl cat that has gray fur with three dark gray stripes on her forehead and three gray stripes on each side of her cheeks. Her muzzle has a patch of white fur that stretches down to the bottom of her neck. The end of her tail is covered in dark gray fur and she has five dark gray stripes as well. Her arms and legs have dark gray tiger stripes as well. Her eyes are a bright green color and her ears curve inward. Ruby's attire consists of a white seifuku shirt with pastel yellow accents and a pastel yellow bow. She also has a matching pleated skirt that is also pastel yellow. She wears a pastel pink sweater over her shirt.

Personality: Sweet and innocent, Ruby is the small all American Curl who is known for her big, green eyes, oversized sweater, and her pure demeanor. She's the one who also sneaks around a lot and can fit into lots of tiny spaces. She uses her ability to maneuver around in small, tight areas to help Juno on their investigations. She is also very quick and swift, and her reflexes are almost, if not 100% perfectly mastered. She is also very outgoing and excitable around people she knows and trusts, whereas, around people she doesn't know, she is very skittish and introverted.

Backstory: Ruby was originally homeless during her younger years, making a cardboard box on the streets her home. She would also take the time to sneak into nearby restaurants and bars to steal food for herself to survive. There have been quite a lot of times where she was immediately kicked out due to this. Needless to say, she was miserable, and all she knew at the time was hatred. Until one day, a certain Arctic Fox has taken her in and she was shown kindness for re very first time. On weekends, her new friend would take the time to homeschool her, basically teaching her right from wrong and how to survive. Over time, these two became active members of the Special Investigations Unit and they've solved cases, along with Sam and Max. Especially since the day Ruby finally met the Freelance Police and she was saved my Max from an explosion he caused. Due to this, she started to somehow develop some feelings for Max and she started to trust him and Sam a lot, and she was formally introduced by Juno.