


5 days, 14 hours ago


Name Kofi
Meaning Born on Friday
Alias Koko | Fifi
Gender Male
Sexuality Unknown
Species Cheetah
Lineage 100% Cheetah
Age Range Cub
Joined 00/00/00
DOB 00/00/00
Faction Rogue
Rank Uknown
Former Faction N/A
Former Ranks N/A
Voice Link
Theme Gas Gas Gas
Height 0'3"
Size Average
Eye Color Pink
Pelt Color Light Brown
Tail Tip Color Cream
Scars/Deformities N/A
Mutations Ocular Albinism (Common)
Enhancements N/A
Accessories N/A
Other N/A


  • Confident
    • Kofi is extremely confident in his skills. Mostly his speed, but he's also a rather confident hunter.
  • Playful
    • Life is like one big game to Kofi. The cub would prefer to have fun, rather than think about 'grownup stuff'
  • Trait
    • Character Desc.


  • Adaptable
    • Kofi can go with the tide, adjusting to situations with ease.
  • Tolerant
    • Kofi can respect other's opinions, even if he believes them to be extremely wrong.
  • Trait
    • Character Desc.


  • Cocky
    • Kofi knows he's a rather fast cat, and prides himself on his speed.
  • Nosy
    • He can't help himself sometimes. If he hears something interesting, he can't help but following through on it.
  • Trait
    • Character Desc.
Strength information
Dexterity information
Constitution information
Intellegence information
Wisdom information
Charisma information



Kofi was the only cub born between his parents. His mother Adwoa naming him on the day he was born. The two bonded closely, and didn't stray too far from each other. He always did as she told him, even if it was boring. She'd always bring back food though, so it was worth it.

One day, his mother brought him along on one of her hunts, wishing to teach her young son how to survive. During the hunt, a group of lions approached them, stealing their kill, and pushing the two out of their so called 'territory'. Realising that the lands weren't going to be hospitable to them anymore, Adwoa decided to travel far with him.

The two traveled for many weeks, until they finally came to the old grounds of shupavu, where the two are currently camping out. Kofi is rather happy with their new place of residence now, with all the room to run around as much as he wants!

1st Degree Relationships
2nd Degree Relationships
Maternal Grandmother(Adwoa)UNKNOWN
Maternal Grandfather(Adwoa)UNKNOWN
Paternal Grandmother(Kwaku)UNKNOWN
Paternal Grandfather(Kwaku)UNKNOWN
Half SiblingsUNKNOWN
Adopted ChildrenN/A
Grand ChildrenN/A
3rd Degree Relationships
Great Grandparent 1(GrandParent 1)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 2(GrandParent 1)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 3(GrandParent 2)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 4(GrandParent 2)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 5(GrandParent 3)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 6(GrandParent 3)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 7(GrandParent 4)UNKNOWN
Great Grandparent 8(GrandParent 4)UNKNOWN
Adopted GrandChildrenN/A
Great GrandChildrenN/A
Layout by Yoki