
5 years, 7 months ago

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Purchased for

$10 USD

Purchase date

1 April 2020




Dog [Poodle]

Favourite colour


❤ Likes

Vaporwave, Pastel, Puns, Retro, [LOCKED]

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Rebellious love interest.

It walks through the streets, too bold for a skulk. Its paws held open at its sides, its lip curled in disdain; this is a dog-gone city, and there's nothing to respect in that. Its criminal record is painted clear: people call it trouble, and it keeps its head up regardless of the suspicion unfairly carried out towards it. This is an angry heart, filled with too much righteous fire to stop caring, after all. For something to change, organisation is key. Despite its reputation, this is not an unfriendly person, nor one that carries itself too important to talk to anyone else.

But it is angry. Oh, it is very angry.

  • Combative, hard personality...?
    • Acts stand-offish to strangers but actively makes an effort to soften itself when addressing someone in need of help
    • Exemplified with relationship with Lowe - actually quite friendly. Just deals with a lot
  • Wears a leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders
  • Probably has a pierced tongue
  • The sunset on its arm is a tattoo
  • Part of many activist movements, generally very active in protests and helping the community; strikes, lobbying, meal services for those in need, etc.
  • Has a guilty pleasure of playing one of the most generic, aggressively expensive MMORPGs on the market in its downtime. Makes a token effort to make its avatar look different from it, though since it follows its favourite aesthetics so much it's probably still recognisable to anyone who knows it. It admits it probably should have picked a species that wasn't a dog
  • Is a really good swimmer


Gumdrop | Neutral
"What? Who's this clown?"

Lowe | Friendly
"You ready for drinks tomorrow night?"

Finny | Tension
"Tch. At least try to lick a little less boots, won'tcha?"

Chalice | Neutral
"Uhhh, does she ever leave her lab? That can't be healthy."

Dr Ead | Tension
"Maybe a little more of robbing the rich and a little less of terrorising the rest, eh?"