


5 years, 7 months ago


Please note that the Kivouack and all related content belong to FENNAH. I claim no ownership of the species or lore, and this is merely a fanmade character.

Name: Casanova
Nicknames: Cas, Nova, Hairy bastard
Species: Kivouack
Age: Approximately 1.5 million years old

Casanova can be considered, by many, to be incredibly insufferable; he's greedy, proud, self-centered, and generally not inclined to respect anyone that isn't a Kivouackian such as himself-- and even then, he's judgemental. Given his relatively young age when compared to the Kivs that have been around for billions upon billions of years, Cas consistently feels as though he has something to prove, and has a constant hunger for power.
Given that he has spent a majority of his life on earth, Cas has developed a fondness for humans. Granted, this is far from 'softness'; for the most part, he keeps them around for the sake of knowing he's better than something. That, and he pities them-- so much potential, wasted away by a finite lifespan and instinct.
For a time he was worshipped by a few groups of humans while in the early stages of civilization. Sacrifices, gold, statues, people bowing at his heels; everything he could ever have dreamed of, and more. Unfortunately a lot of the groups that he was tied with ended up dispersing or falling in some horrific manner.
He greatly misses being treated in this way. Feeding his ego enough is a sure-fire way to get him to appreciate your presence at least a little bit.


  • Casanova fears those older and more experienced than him, being humiliated, time, and death.
  • He fears time because he sees it as a force more powerful than himself, that he can do nothing to stop, even if he wanted to.
  • He has a a hoard of gold and gems that he just sits on like a dragon. Anyone that attempts to take from said hoard will likely meet and unfortunate end.
  • Despite having so much gold, he would never spend it. He's very stingy.
  • Has an appreciation for Fontaine's work with the gamble. He's never met the guy personally, but he finds the concept of gaining wealth from a fault of humans to be both ingenious and hilarious.
  • Generally sticks to tropical areas along the equator. Loves the jungle.
  • Birthname was Nero. He has changed his name many times throughout his life.