



✦ Shiya

Name: Shiya
Alias: /
Age: ???
Birthday: (tbe)
Gender: Female
Height: 1,70 m
Species: Human
World: Aequi'us
OC Number: 303

A witch who enjoys provocating others and messing with them in a rather childish way. She'd never say no to pranks, but also knows when it's time to stop. In general, if you respect her, she'll respect you too. If not... you'll feel it.

Shiya is known for her excellent ice magic use. Her combat skills are also quite famous, as she hasn't lost in a long time.

✦ Design details to keep in mind

  • While using magic (no matter which element) , her sclera turns black and her blue eyes begin to glow light blue-ish.

✦ Trivia

  • Uses mostly ice magic. ...though it isn't her only magic. Ice is actually her secondary magic element, her primary being shadow binding. She keeps that a secret though, to surprise her enemies in a battle.
  • Current worth: 27,50 USD

✦ Background

✦ Subheader

» @@(tbe)


✦ Subheader

» @@(tbe)


✦ Relationships



[ Pupil ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.


✦ @@(tbe)

[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.

Relationship chart taken from vom's coding and modified by me.