Nemesis (Skills & Abilities)




As a former military academic, Nemesis isn't so much a professional soldier as she is a professional tactician. Her skillset focuses on controlling the flow of battle to whittle her opponent down or to create holes in her opponent's defenses for her allies to exploit. Entirely nonconventional, Nemesis can be considered a Support-Assassin hybrid, using her dual, arm-mounted blades for close quarters combat but relying on tricky movements and surprises to catch even the most vigilant guardians unaware.

Nemesis is equipped with advanced imperial technology which allow her to create holographic images of herself imbued with aether to remain undetected. Combined with her keen animaloid senses, Nemesis excels at uprooting the competition.

  • Attributes
    • Bloodhound
      Nemesis is a hound animaloid, giving her keen senses and incredible perception abilities. She can track scents several kilometers away, listen in on whispered conversations, and detect subtleties in movement
  • Skills
  • Abilities