


8 years, 4 months ago



Name: Alula (Ah-Loo-Lah)
Name Meaning: It is the name of a small wing in a birds wing, one they use when they turn or land, basically.
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Spirit Guardian (Closed Species by zz-Angelfox
Sexual orientation: 

Personality: Alula is smart and a quick learner. She is often very kind toward everyone and has good manners. She is also determinated and spends a lot of time to fulfill any task.

More info: Despite being a heiress and looking rather fragile, she is not your typical damsel in distress as she does know how to protect herself. She is not as athletic as her servant Kide, but she can use the sword a bit, as well as her fists. She has a passion for the ocean and has always wanted to sail the seas and see the world, which her father denied her being a very protective person after her mother (his first and only wife) died. She used to read a lot when she lived in the manor, especially books about navigation and astrology, as she found it interesting. Also stories of pirates and vampires quite interested her, despite mostly being fiction. Alula is left handed.
When the pirates attacked the mansion, she and her servant got captured ont heir ship. They did their best to try protect each other, but it just was not enough over the many pirates. 



  • Books
  • Learning
  • The sea
  • Adventure


