Cetus (Cee)



5 years, 7 months ago


- title is Cetus, the Leviathan!

- sea monster sea monster sea monster

- has size shifting mutation! tends to hang out in his truly gigantic leviathan form because thats his most comfortable, but doesn't mind sizing down to get into small spaces or to hang out with others without worrying about accidentally crushing them

- his full name is Cetus but he prefers to just go by Cee! pron. as just the letter c

- he's a pretty lazy, pretty chill sea monster

- pretty friendly actually! he's territorial but not enough to fly into like a rage over it

- known to wander; tends to just follow the currents wherever they take him and set up shop there for a while

- as at home in saltwater as he is in fresh! theres a rumour out there that he was a flat before he became a mythical, which he doesn't answer one way or the other

- he wasn't! he jsut had a lot of flat friends and took after them after a time

- old, old symph. doesn't look or act it, but he's been around a long while! has a place in lots of human lore

- the monster in the lake tends to be him

- can sometimes be seen with varying battle scars; he's not super territorial but he IS territorial and anything threatening his turf better get ready to throw down

- even symphs that don't heed his warnings can find themselves on the wrong end of his paralytic venom and coils

- he's an equal opportunity symph dont matter who or what you are mess with him you die

- despite. that. he's generally pretty chill! just kinda wants to rove around and explore, not super big on socializing but not super against it either

- sometimes he sticks in one place for a bit to help defend a pond or something but he'll always move on eventually

- he'll usually come back and visit tho!

- he's an oktavist mythical but he doesn't fly very well- the wings are better for zooming through the water than the sky- but he CAN fly! he looks kinda odd doing it tho, like a snake with wings just kinda noodling in the air, much prefers swimming and doesn't come on land often

- combo that with his color changing fins many a legend has been told about the sky-snake

- his color-shifting fins go through like a pastel rainbow; he tends to constantly have them on a slow rotation but he only really flares his biolumi when he's Feelin It or its like dark or he wants to be spooky

- his venom just kinda smells like sea salt but wowza is it potent; one bite and youre probs not gonna get back up

- tangled with his fair share of monster hunters but none's gotten him just yet

- can swim pretty far inland via size shifting so he'll show up pretty much anywhere so long as he can get back to a main river eventually

- when he sings he sings LOUD and you'll hear him from like a mile away, beeping through the morning mist

- some of the scars along his body really don't look like they belong to other symphs or even most sea creatures, though...

- don't worry about it, Cee's still probably the scariest thing out there

- oceans a big place and we know a lot less about our rivers and ponds than we'd like to think...

- don't worry about it tho

- its fine Cee'll crush bout anything that comes @ him