


5 years, 10 months ago


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Friendly . Innocent . Hyper

May 6th
Optimistic, Loving, Caring


  • Adventures
  • Crafting
  • Chai Tea
  • Festivals


  • Neon
  • Spiders
  • Cotton Candy
  • Snow


Rin is someone who always looks after others, even if it costs the injury of herself. The smile on other faces makes it all worth it in the end for her. Growing up, she was always taught to treat others the way she wants to be treated, constantly being involved with other people and getting a good sense of social skills. All Rin wants is to make friends and do everything in her power to make anyone she can happy and healthy. Having a heart of gold, sometimes Rin doesn't think about the consequences before jumping head first into action. She is a very excited person, and therefore, tries her best to involve herself in any means necessary, even if it comes at the cost of embarrassing herself completely in the process. Though Rin loves to make friends and craves attention, she can be a bit shy when doing so, even if she puts off the front that nothing is bothering her at all. Knowing she can't help but try her best, she tries to keep herself positive and friendly in hopes of making a connection with new people she encounters. Usually in her free time, Rin likes to go out into the fields and collect herbs, or even admire the flowers or plants growing in the environment around her. One of her favorite things to do is create new medicines with the possibility of giving some sort of happiness to those around her, even if it isn't a personal connection. If you got to know her on a more intimate level, the more selfish she will be with your attention. Wanting nothing but the affection the new friend has to offer, she will always find a way to want more of it. Whether it be them going out shopping, collecting fruits or even working together, she finds enjoyment in the company of those she trusts..

Hye-Rin loved the outdoors, ever since she was a child. She could smell the soil and dedication every morning had brought her in that beautiful farm home she has grown up in. The farmhouse was no more than rocks on the scrubby hillside to outsiders, a pile of dale grey with roof of slate. Yet to Hye-Rin it was home and hearth, the place her mother had originally arrived to as a new bride and brought forth children into the world. It had been many a year since the sound of a child's laughter had echoed within, though with her memories and the pretty flames that ate at the wood, she felt warm. It protected her from the strong light of summer and was cozy in the winter time. She grew up healthy and happy with a supportive family, always making sure that all her responsibilities were done properly and that there was always something driving her to do bigger and better things for her family as well as herself. With this mindset, Hye-Rin always considered others before herself, and found the most joy in finding ways to keep the people she cares about healthy and happy. Because of this, she slowly found a love for the idea of being and herbalist. Being out in the fields day after day, as well as being familiar ith all types of herbs and flowers that surrounded her, she found that she was more than qualified for the position itself. Because of this, she only went deeper into discovery and tried to give herself more knowledge. In the end, she keeps a big book filled with everything she's ever laid eyes on for her research, so that she never forgets what shes learned and always has something handy to keep everything on track.

Ask me for help, just ask. I promise that when you do, it is a blessing on us both. To help is a gift; to be asked is trust and the start of a bond. It is one way we love one another more deeply. So when I give to you, it is with love and gratitude. What else are we here for other than to show our love in our actions?.


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