Valine Webley



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Valine Webley


Val, Sleepyhead








Snooze, fisticuffs, sorcery


A sleep paralysis demon minus the paralysis. Lover of fluffy things to fall asleep on. Has ass for days and knows it.

Valine was born with an interesting birth defect. Demons generate more mana than ordinary humans and Valine generates even more than ordinary demons. Normally this results in insanity, mania, vastly increased metabolism and extreme restlessness. Things that are not good for you. Not to mention that putting out that much magic will quickly out someone as a demon to local humans, resulting in an abrupt end by torches and pitchfork. Most demons who produce too much mana don't make it into adulthood.

However, Valine is also a hypersomniac. She's usually asleep, sleepwalking, or about to fall asleep. This somewhat cancels the insane extra mana. She sleeps enough to conserve energy, and is usually too unconscious to make a scene or go crazy. Despite the fact that Valine often falls asleep on a whim or an inconvenient times, she is not, however, narcoleptic. She can stay awake if the situation really requires it, although she will get groggy and grumpy quickly because having that much mana is fatiguing. She usually chooses to fall asleep at odd times because she knows if she ever gets in trouble, it's pretty easy to deal with whatever problem by nuking it with enough magic. She is also a surprisingly functional sleepwalker and has successfully defended herself while sleeping. With proportional response, even.

Valine is usually drooling. No one knows how she produces so much drool in one go without dehydrating herself to death, but she does. Magic doesn't create matter, it just moves stuff around, so it's not even that. This may forever be a mystery for the ages.