
(her CS form)

Username: SuperVerl

Name: Suzuki

Gender: Female

Personality: Suzuki is a people person. She loves helping others out and gets along very well with both Morians and Foodhogs alike. She also enjoys nature like most Foodhogs and prefers spending her time around the flora and fauna of Ankmor. She tries her best to be polite to everyone, even when they aren't polite back and has a very long temper. Suzuki is outgoing for sure, but can still be seen alone among other animals reading, crafting jewelry or simply relaxing and/or taking a nap in a wild area. Unfortunately she is often robbed because of her good natured heart and often struggles to get back what was lost. And she loses a lot. Not just from thieves, too, Suzuki always has way too much on her mind and thus forgets about even the simplest of things like taking off her jewelry before she goes to bed. All in all, she's a friendly, helpful Foodhog that wants nothing else than to make a positive difference in the world.