
5 years, 7 months ago


"aye lmaooo"


Name: Emil "Blue" O'Donovan
Age: 193 (DOB: 1990 AD 8th August; Leo | DOD: 2010 AD 12th March)
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)     Weight: 135 lbs. (61.23 kg)
Hair Color: Silver     Eye Color: Hazel (Dark)     Skin Color: White
Nationality: American (Irish-American)
Gender: He/Him     Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Vampire (Leech)
Education: High School Diploma (attended college for one year)
Profession: Wastewalker (goods deliverer) / Ragamuffins Lead Drummer / Vampire Rights Advocate
Lucille "Lucy" O'Donovan (Mother)     Charles O'Donovan (Father)      Jennifer O'Donovan (Sister)
Bonus Note(s):
-Blue's mute, ever since he "turned." As such, he relies on ASL (American Sign Language) to communicate. However, since most people suck at ASL, he has a tendency to use his TeckyWatch (a wrist watch with a holographic projection screen) to type out his messages.
-Blue's gimmick in his bite makes people ridiculously horny. As such, he refrains from ever drinking fresh blood, and opts for bags. (His favorite's Type B+.) In exchange, Blue thus receives the strength of the person's blood he sucked. For example, if he drinks the blood of a dragon, he will temporarily have the powers of a dragon; if he drinks the blood of a human, he has the same strength capacity of a human. This can either make him incredibly powerful or incredibly weak.
-Additional vampiric powers include (but are not limited to):
     Shape-shifting (Form: Sparrow)
     Ridiculous amounts of stamina (ie: can run for miles upon miles)
     Reduced damage input (ie: leaping from thirty stories is not going to hurt him; punching him is like whacking a brick wall)
     Slightly heightened hearing (dog whistles SUCK)
     ...and so on, possibly. Blue's not fully aware of the extent of what he can do.
-He is ambidextrous, but is left-hand dominant. He finds it Completely Inconvenient.
-Blue is transgender (AFAM). Before his death, he underwent top surgery, and began hormones (which ended upon death).


Appearance: Pale and dead, Blue retained the same physique over his many years, bearing the appearance of an energetic nineteen-year-old boy. His hair is parted to one side and kept short, and his eyes are narrow but bright. He has a small button nose. Multiple piercings in each ear. His frame is refined from being once being a gymnast while alive and from his constant work as an advocate for Vampire Rights (including getting into turf-wars). He bears visible scars on his throat. His left bicep is tattooed with the Ragamuffin Crew band logo. His fangs are retractable, and can extend to a maximum of two inches long (albeit he often keeps it smaller than that for easier use). Furthermore, his eyes take on an almost moon-colored sheen when he drinks (and several moments after drinking) blood.

Style: Blue loves the "biker" scene, and has since adapted it into his own signature look. He dons a black long-sleeved leather jacket with a v-neck style that often goes unbuttoned. Since he is dead, seasons do not affect him in terms of temperature, so you will find him wearing it despite heat or cold. Underneath, he typically wears either crop-tops or t-shirts (with dark colors) with funky designs on them. He is a lover of black skinny jeans, and you'll hardly see him in anything else. For shoes, he often wears calf-high biker boots (also black, usually with blue accents). Accessories-wise, Blue wears many trinkets: two hoop earrings in one ear, a clip-on dangling blue sphere, a plain choker (to cover the scars), and black fingerless bike gloves. You'll rarely see him compromise on this style. Furthermore, Blue likes the disheveled-hair look, and tends to style it as such. While making deliveries that typically require him to travel in daylight, he dons an impenetrable leather biker suit (jacket, gloves, pants), durable boots, and a full-head biker's helmet.  


Overview: A troublemaker, Blue's alignment, if he had any, would be under "chaotic wing-it." A joker at heart and always looking for thrills, Blue's friends tend to see him as a bit of an adrenaline junkie, often going for bigger and better and more dangerous stunts. At first glance, Blue can appear cold, unflinching, and with an unparalleled gaze that will make your skin crawl. However, Blue is anything but, and is considered a huge dork. He loves obscure memes he finds on the Internet, and is the one to brighten a surly mood. He's like a personified can of Febreeze: freshens the place up. He's so easy to make friends with, too. You just can't find it in yourself to stay mad at Blue for very long. He's loyal, he's dedicated, and he'll be unfaltering in any challenge he faces, even if the odds are stacked against him. A gracious and amazing loser (over years of constantly being in second place). Blue's advice is always spotty, though, despite being a great listener, so try not to take his to heart. Furthermore, he has disturbingly low self-value, and has a tendency to play martyr (a remnant from his Survivor's Guilt). Often doesn't understand his own limits, and tends to get in more dire trouble as a result. It can be nigh impossible to get him to talk about himself, so despite his friendliness, he has almost no close friends. Harbors his burdens all to himself, so much so that it crushes him on occasion. Falls in love easily, but rarely acts on it, if ever. Overall, a good guy with an air of mystery and a penchant for trouble.


  • Motorcycles, Hoverbikes
  • Internet memes
  • Long, quiet rides through the desert; a casual smoke after work in silence
  • Rocking out with his pals (punk-rock)
  • Being Cooltm
  • Parkour
  • Graffiti Art
  • People with no sense of humor
  • Restrictions, limitations
  • Thinking too much on his past
  • Bright colors
  • Spiders
  • Able to befriend nearly anyone with his funny charms. Tends to see the good in most people.
  • Loyal to his pals. Betrayal never crosses his mind, as it goes against his Cool Dogma.
  • Incredible flight skills on hover bikes. Quite possibly one of the best in the desert.
  • Great at remembering directions, street names, landmarks.
  • Strong - flexible from years of being a gymnast. He is also skilled at brawling.
  • From being a vampire: sunlight, silver, ingesting food, etc.
  • Finds it incredibly hard to open up to anyone; stuffs it in himself.
  • Fiscally irresponsible.
  • Messy - can't seem to keep a place clean for longer than ten minutes.
  • Lazy - sets multiple alarms and still dozes through many.

Human Years 0 - 10: Born as Emily O'Donovan in a booming technology age, Blue lived in the suburbs with his mom and dad close to the ocean in the then-California. He got a puppy at age 3, named Spike, which helped him get out of his shyer momma's boy shell and became quiet the independent trooper. He attended school at age 5, and shortly thereafter, his little sister, Jenny, was born. The teachers found Blue a bit on the rowdy side (as exhibited on the playground), but highly proficient in hands-on learning rather than textbook learning. Because his sister became wheelchair-bound and loved gymnastics, Blue took it upon himself to learn to be a gymnast once he entered 2nd grade, and did after school lessons. In fourth grade, Blue began developing interest in the robotics team, and juggled his two passions as the years went by. When he was eight, he met a boy named Nianzhen - a river dragon from China - who introduced him to a whole new world he never knew about: the world of creatures. With Nianzhen, even though their communication abilities were lacking, Blue became introduced to fairies, monsters, and the like through a myriad of adventures through California. He and Nianzhen were best friends for months during Nianzhen's temporary stay while his family's ambassador visit continued to stretch on. They exchanged friend charms - a sapphire sphere for Blue, and a round silver necklace for Nianzhen in which the sphere perfectly fits into - before Nianzhen's leave as a promise that they would someday meet again. After Nianzhen's departure, Blue cried for days, missing his buddy immensely. He was soothed by his parents during this time until that world became but a fever dream: hazy and only in bits and pieces. He kept the sphere, though, as he knew it was important.

Human Years 11 - 18: During middle school, Blue discovered the definition of "transgender," and went, "oh, that's me." Upon telling his parents shortly thereafter, Blue became Emil O'Donovan and took hormones to delay the affects of puberty while his family saved up money for transitional surgery. The transition was overall a success; his peers and acquaintances accepted the change with relative ease. His proficiency in robotics became incredible, and often was sourced as the reason the school went to regionals during his time there. Upon entering high school, he joined the Techies Club and resumed his gymnast training, despite his and Jenny's increasing spats as she turned ten. He became one of the popular kids, and many girls had huge crushes on him, but he could not reciprocate their feelings for some reason, even though he tried. He was a bit of a goody two-shoes, often being associated with "preps" given his intellect and charms. He was also seen as unwinnable for his heart (but little did they know). In senior year, Blue got accepted into college for computer programming and robotics, and was awarded several scholarships to go across the state for schooling. His parents grew very proud of him. Spike died when he turned 18 from old age, sadly. He and Jenny became closer before he went off to college. He underwent top surgery at 18, and began hormone therapy.

Human Years 19: Blue went through a slight (major) shift in tune from a goody-two-shoes to a more punk and "free" guy. When he wasn't devoting time to robotics research or extracurricular activities, he was out partying with friends and getting wasted at his pals' apartments. It was liberating, not strictly adhering to the law. He also developed a hobby for motorcycle maintenance, and a keen love for the then-in-progress hover bike models soon to launch. Everything was going great for him! And then, on his way back to his dorm with a couple of his friends in the middle of the night, they were ambushed by some vampires. Blue's friends didn't make it. Blue, however, did. The papers reported him missing with evidence indicating he was kidnapped. His case went cold seven years later, much to the horrible dismay to his parents and sister. Many regarded him as deceased.

Vampire Years (Part One): Unfortunately, Blue made it through the "turn" process while his two buds did not. As a newly awakened and starved vampire, Blue underwent hell as he tried his best to adapt under intense amounts of pressure from his captors. He refused to kill, but had to do so in order to live. Two or three weeks in, after having somewhat gotten a hand of his biological shift, he was then sent, with a plethora of others, into the vampire slave trade. The demand for vampires to serve human or otherwise masters grew since Blue's youth, even after the desperate attempts to put forth protections by the US government. Treated as literal cargo, Blue was stuffed with hundreds of other new vampires into livestock railroad cartons, sealed off with layers of protection. Starved and sickly, Blue almost became Feral during his time on the train, but grew too weak to do so. Many of his kind died in the train as it traveled for seemingly months on end, with barely enough blood to spread between them all. The train only stopped to remove the thinned carcasses every once in awhile, deemed as "unfit" to be a vampire. Pretty soon, when there were only a handful left, Blue was picked to be auctioned-off later that week for surviving the trek. After testing Blue's bite-type, capabilities, flexibility, and learning he can no longer speak, Blue was due to become a sex slave. However, a few days before the auction, Blue was mistakenly determined to have died in the cargo hold, and was dumped on the side of the tracks. Weak, feverish, and desperate, Blue dragged himself into the woods before the sun rose, where he nearly actually died from starvation. 

Vampire Years (Part Two): Blue woke up in an unfamiliar place several days later, with an IV injecting necessary blood and nutrients into his system during his recovery. He found out later that an Eldritch Vampire, Tricksy, had found him during her routine rescues for vampires. During the recuperation stage, Tricksy taught Blue everything he needed to know about being a vampire: the rules, the genetics, the everything he never quite got during his first several months of his new life. He became cripplingly home-sick and missed his family terribly, but, since he was still a "fresh" vampire, there was no guarantee he wouldn't go Feral and accidentally kill them- especially given his horrific time during the transport. As such, he determined to wait the necessary amount of time to become an "acceptable" vampire (a process that takes about 2 - 10 years, depending). Since most vampires die within the time-period, vampires became a commodity, with their varying bites being useful to different species around the world. Because of their parasitic and dependent nature, vampires have typically become enslaved by said other-species, and are often looked down upon waaaay down at the bottom of the totem pole. However, Tricksy, alongside her band-mates, have a coalition to try and get vampires more civil protections somehow. She makes Blue an offer: either he can join them, or he is free to do as he likes. As such, Blue joins Tricksy's band, and becomes the now-named "Blue," based on the one belonging he kept (a sapphire earring), as an indicator he is leaving his old human life behind.

Vampire Years (Part Three): Upon becoming a member of Tricksy's crew, Blue adapted significantly better to his vampirism, and managed to get through the hard adolescent years (which took about 7). During the Lost Gap (the war), Blue, a brave fool, often undertook risky missions to aid vampiric allies to deliver them goods with his good sense of direction. He lived throughout the forty-nine years of dangerous missions across the continental US, often traveling by motorcycle and gaining the nickname "The Wastewalker." Tales are spun of the vampire who, despite his young age, waltzed in the daylight while making key deliveries throughout the war. After the world-wide truce and with most of the population of both sides struggling, Blue joined Tricksy in settling in Area 44, otherwise known as The Oasis. There, with several members of the Ragamuffin Crew, they try to calm the constantly rising tensions between vampires and other creatures within the walls of their home, as well as tensions between vampire gangs. 


An outbreak of a disease that plagues creatures and humans alike, "Feral," has begun its slow spread throughout the Oasis as it edges toward its 100th birthday. Blue, the Ragamuffin Crew, a loopy human scientist, and the lone-assigned SW OPD officer, Nianzhen Chen, must work together to pinpoint its source before the city becomes the very wastes its trying to separate itself from.


Nianzhen Chen: The only officer to have the balls to pursue Blue in high-speed chases, Blue finds Chen to be the most likable officer he's ever met - despite the stick shoved up his ass. Has a massive crush on him because of his stunning looks and intriguing mysteries around him. The two are close partners in the case co-op, mostly because Blue wants to work with him the most out of the Ragamuffin Crew. They also have a history together - but neither of them make the connection (thanks to Blue's amnesia and Chen's inability to see the so-called "girl" in Blue). Tricksy: Leader of the Ragamuffin Crew and called the mother, Blue looks up to Tricksy with great respect and reverence. That said, as any rebellious youth, he often gets her aggravated with his antics and being too risky. She reprimands him on the regular and has a strict code for him to follow, but despite this, he loves her all the same. Would do almost anything for Tricksy, as she saved his life. Tricksy adores him as if he were her own child, much like she treats most of the Ragamuffin Crew.Dingo Kent: Co-leader of the Ragamuffin Crew and called the father, Blue enjoys Dingo's lackadaisical approach to the gang's "parenting" and often chats with him about life. Whenever he gets in trouble with Tricksy, he often looks to Dingo to back him up, which can go either way. Since both of them smoke, they often do between gigs out back. Dingo is also Blue's preferred sparring partner, although Dingo is way out of his league in terms of strength and physical prowess. Would do almost anything for Dingo, but not quite as much as Tricksy.
Jaz-Z: Sees her as a little sister who needs the most protection, but also has the penchant to tease and make fun of her, often resulting in getting bruised ankles. Since Jaz-Z is a DDR champion and Blue loves games, he's always willing to lose to her for several rounds at a local arcade. When Tricksy and Dingo are busy and he has time, he volunteers to watch her - much to her dismay. Jaz-Z sees Blue as much weaker than her, and often reverses the story: it's him that needs the extra protection, not her! Klause: An old man Blue struggles to see eye-to-eye with because of a very large generation gap. Klause is the conservative to Blue's liberal, but not necessarily in politics - mostly in ideals of how to get what they want to accomplish. Furthermore, Klause speaks in a way Blue has a difficult time understanding, so the two don't converse often. That said, Klause's long life and experience makes him for an exceptional partner in terms of gang-quashing, and his conspiracy theory ramblings provide hours of entertainment.Celestina Gomez: Because of Blue's frequent bad encounters with humans, he is - at first - rather wary of Celestina's involvement, but her outlandish and cheery personality quickly wins him over. He calls her Auntie and the two have fun discussing technology differences between human-designated and creature-designated territories. Because humans are regarded as weak, when on missions, Blue tends to fret in a joking manner of her safety, which she often casually dismisses (giving him a taste of his own medicine).
Needle: A medical-specialist witch's apprentice of whom Blue does frequent business with. Needle has a massive crush on Blue, but Blue does not reciprocate because he is gay. He depends on her for trade route updates as well as an informant about Feral movements throughout the wastes, as her mother, Weaver, has connections all over. Without Needle, Blue's job would be much more difficult as a Wastewalker. They both haggle a lot, too, which can be pretty funny to watch as Needle knows ASL.Rapp & Rhym: A duo of corvid-transforming vampires who frequently get in Blue's way. While all three agree that the neo-capitalistic society they live in is pretty bad, they have differing views on how to solve it: the RC through legislation, and Rapp & Rhyme by destroying said-legislation and starting over. Because of this, the three often get into fights - wherein Blue loses frequently, but they all have a hardline of not killing each other (for now). Each see a use in the other in the otherwise chaotic battlegrounds in the Oasis's NE district.The OPD: Blue hates the OPD with a passion, as he finds the dragons to be the cause of the economic inequality with their constant hoarding. The OPD likewise hate Blue for his criminal offenses. However, both leave each other alone, and the OPD grants Blue a special Wastewalker license that allows him to operate in daylight as no one else wants his job. Blue respects the license, even if he thinks it's "fucking stupid" to have curfews on vampires only.