Titania MacBeth



8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info



Last Name





Anthro-Little owl










Duncan Macbeth ( husband ) Jessica Macbeth ( sister-in-law ) Romeo Macbeth ( brother-in-law ) Milo Macbeth ( sister-in-law ) Alix Macbeth ( son ) Melusine Macbeth ( daughter ) Vanille Macbeth ( daughter )


Duncansexual ( c: )


Duncan MacBeth



Titania is a young 22 years old woman. She's naturally small, doing 152 cms. She has a basic morphology, being slim. She has long light grey hair until the bottom of her back. She has a lock on each side of her face, surrounding her cheeks. Her bang is tapered. Titania also has Big orange eyes. She also have very Big breasts.

For her clothes, she's very often wearing dresses or skirts. Seeing her with pants is pretty rare, being very coquette. Her usual dress is dark green. She has long and very puffed sleeves, and frillies on the end of sleeves. It also has a slash neck with frillies on its cleavage. Titania wears a long Navy blue skirt going on her anchors. She also has green pastel shoes. 

Titania doesn't always wear the same dress : It happens to see her with imposing dresses due to their decorations, or spring and slight dresses.


Titania is a woman with a smile on her lips and a good mood. Pleasant and friendly, she loves a lot to make new friends. She's dynamic and sympathic, enjoying giving help to everyone who needs it. She's also sometimes childish in some moments. She's also pretty malicious, loving kindly teasing her friends. The young woman is also very enterprising et sincere, anoucing everything who can make her fun or sad. She can be very worried for her friends when the need is there too. She has a big maternel side with them.

With her man, Duncan, Titania breathes the happiness of the life. She's incredibly in love with her husband and is rarely seen without. She's clearly addictive to him, and affectuously nicknames him " Duduc " . She doesn't hesitate to highlight his virtues and announce to be always very proud of him and to be his wife. She loves to flirt with Duncan when she wants and embrace him. Sometimes, Titania also loves gives him a lot of hugs and kisses, when she finds the moments or Duncan does is romantic. She can also pretty jealous of her spouse if she saw him hang around with Liz, scared he become bored of her. Even if she loves with all her soul her husband, she avoids to talk with him to have an offspring. Even if she absolutly wants one, she knows very well the man had a very difficult childhood about his family and doesn't want to have children. Talks about this subject always end in a quarrel, Duncan confessing he's distressed to lost his wife if her pregnancy goes bad. Titania already told she doesn't see her to finish her life alone, and if her spouse would die, she would kill herself at this moment. 


Titania Griffith is the 5th child of a tailor and a shoemaker.  She's born in a bourgeois family and  peacefully lived with her 5 siblings.  But when she was in her 7th year,  the duchy where she lived was  suddenly attacked by AOGM, and forcated her family to run away with  almost no lugages. Fortunatly, unlike some families, all her siblings and her parents ran away safe. Titania and others folks are so exiled of their native fields, but the young duke asks help and hospitality to the big city called " Aidz " . His request was automatically accepted and people was able to install into the town.

At the age of 16, she finds a job of vegetables seller. But one day, she argues with a strange man in the market place about her commerce. Words begins to be violent, and the man becomes upset and totally mad, and pick a gun hidden in his coat, and shoot up everywhere, making the panic in the place. Titania runs away of the location for to escape of the mad man when she's hitting her head on the bust of a man. Panicked, the young woman asks help to the man, hidden his eyes under a hat. The mad man finally finds Titania, but before be able to doing anything, the savior shoots a bullet in the head of the psycho. When Titania thanks the mysterious man and asks his name, he says she can call him " Duncan " .

In one year, both became very close friends. They were always doing activities together, Duncan was never talking and was always listening Titania, and he was always invited to eat at the home of his friend. Despite his no-talkative way and the fact he was always refusing to talk of himself, Titania began to have strong feelings for him.  At 17, while they were sit on the rooftop of the house of Titania's family, the young girl asked to Duncan if he had a crush on someone, but he asks her to say first. She so confessed her love for him, but he just noded about it. Then, Duncan took back his hat and take an engagement ring under it, and asked her if she would like " to make him the great duke the happiest of the world. " At this sentence, a feminine scream was heard by all the country.

At 18, after her parents asks she waits 1 year before her marriage, she finally marries Duncan Macbeth and becomes the great-duchess of the country, or Mrs.Macbeth. She moves to his castle for to live in and assists her husband for his activity of ruler. Fastly, she becomes hyper popular with her population. Folks sees her like a great duo, with Duncan , and like a mother or a big sister for only herself. Duncan also asks her if she would be interested to be clan leader with him, this last doesn't hesitating at all about her answer and happily accepts. Even though  bad looks of others clan leader, both so do the duo and rules together the duchy. The same year, she joins her husband in the survivor rescue squad.

At 26, she does a denial of pregnancy and her water broke in the middle of a reunion. Later in the day, she gaves birth to her first son called Alix .When she reaches 33, she have a girl named Melusine . At 41, she gives birth to her second daughter called Vanille.