


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Linde Ludovic Caelum






King of Vintern, Overlord of Reminiscence


Magic ....guy


Carlyle Arvella (father) Delphine Caelum (mother), Aurelia Arvella (half-sister), Anika Bellfire (wife probably....), Aisaena Bellfire (daughter), Jenamille Bellfire (son)

Significant Other

Moira Lerhling, Anika Bellfire


Queen Vanae, King Bane, King Gray, House Hogswell, various small houses


Destroyer (it likely has a very cool name, I just dont know what it is), Queen Varna, Rigel Priame, Saoirse Sorel, King Eriphaniel


Delphine Caelum was from a modest house in the kingdom of Sturmontis, not quite the richest around, but she had enough to live comfortably. She fell blindly in love with the only son in the royal family, Carlyle Arvella, and he returned her feelings. The Arvella family forbids any relations with non magic users, and when word spread that she was with his child, the unfortunate Delphine was banished. Soon after, Carlyle was married off to a magically adept Empress. 

She raised her and Carlyle's son alone, and called him Linde. At a young age it was clear Linde was a gifted mage, and Delphine searched to find someone willing to teach her son magic. Though the longer the two traveled in search of a teacher, the stronger Linde became regardless of studies. 

At age fifteen, after learning of his mother's treatment, Linde single-handedly invaded Sturmontis and demanded her banishment be revoked, and demanded she have a seat in the royal counsel. Terrified of the young boy's unbridled power, the Arvella family bent to his will and did as he asked. Linde hated his father's family entirely, aside from his half sister Aurelia. He pitied Aurelia, she was considered a failure by her parents, and was on the cusp of being shunned from the family altogether. 

As each pretentious old fart of the Arvella family stood up to Linde and his increasing influence, he struck them down. Eventually there were none left to oppose him. Carlyle wrote expressing his wishes to return and be with Delphine, but he felt obligated to continue his marriage. 

After hearing of a great tragedy in the Vintern Kingdom, Linde left Sturmontis in the capable hands of his beloved sibling Aurelia to investigate. Delphine proudly advises Aurelia, who she considers her daughter. Soon enough, most biased traditions in Sturmontis culture were abolished, and the Kingdom grew into a more accepting place.

Upon arriving in Vintern he discovered the people had turned against the heirs after the death of the King and Queen. Many houses had raised their banners and had armies on the way to claim the Vintern throne. Linde sneaked into the Castle and approached the terrified Princes who had barracaded themselves in their room. The instant he saw them, Linde was certain they had not commit regicide as the rumors claimed, but were just two young boys caught in the middle of a vicious lie. He offered to help them escape the country and fake their deaths for them, which they had little choice but to agree to. The Princes Faronis and Hollisius of Vintern were "executed" publicly and were never heard from again. 

While Delphine was visiting her son in Vintern where he now ruled as its King, Aurelia lost control of Sturmontis to her twin children. The twins, called Solange and Lunaro, are dangerously powerful and keep their mother confined to a tower. If Delphine knew any of this had happened, she would have returned home immediately to assist her daughter. However, everyone is greatly unaware of the chaos currently brewing inside Castle Sturmontis. 

While experimenting with a magical artifact he came across on his travels, Linde accidentally broke time. He was thrust back into ancient Reminiscence where he had to work with a magically adept girl named Moira in order to retrieve the artifact. Along the course of their adventure, Linde fell completely in love with her, though she was reluctant to return his feelings. After they retreived the amulet from a foolish magician, Moira explained in order for it to work, it must be placed in the stone arch below Setzburg castle. The pair made their journey back to castle Setzburg and Moira became increasingly distant. When they reached the castle, Linde quickly realized why; Moira was the crown princess of Setzburg. She broke into tears and confessed she did have feelings for Linde, but must uphold her duty and marry the prince from house Arvella. Linde said "Oh well screw that guy, I am literally the current Arvella King lmao" and anybody who tried to say otherwise got zapped to death. While the staff planned their wedding, Moira and Linde experimented with the amulet and the magic arch. It turns out when you leave the amulet placed in the arch overnight on a blood moon, it summons the destroyer of worlds. Before Linde even had the chance to fight the Destroyer, Moira immediately returned him to his natural time. The amulet still embedded in the arch, Linde desperately rushed to the ruins of Castle Setzburg. Incased in translucent crystal were Moira, the Destroyer, and the Arch, untouched by time or decay. For years Linde attempted to penetrate the crystal form, and was unsuccessful. 

Some years later after many more failed attempts to break the crystal, Linde was in attendance to King Bane's court. Linde may have had a strong hold on Reminiscence, but Bane had his grip on the entire world, all the leaders effectively answered to him if they wished to keep their lands. Truthfully, Linde had thought about overthrowing Bane, but the cons outweighed the pros. If he failed, it would be certain death, and if he succeeded, the whole world would secretly curse his name just as they do Bane's. So, for now, he would remain quiet and attend Bane's gatherings, no matter how boring they were. On one such occasional meeting, one of Bane's top generals brought in a girl she had trained, presenting her to Bane as a new warrior. The King had barely glanced at her before he burst out laughing. He told his general to remove this embarrassment from his sight immediately, and that he never wished to lay eyes on her again. The girls face twisted into an expression of sheer terror, she was clearly here against her will and likely had no idea what her fate was. Before she could be dragged away and slaughtered, Linde found himself stepping forward and signalling for the Kings attention. For whatever reason, the King favored him, and he answered enthusiastically "Linde my boy! You have something you'd like addressed?" "Yes, your reverence. Could I perhaps take this one? I've been looking for a new jester." After a hearty laugh the King wiped a tear, "But of course, dear boy. General Ortoga, be sure to get our armor back before dumping this disappointment on our good friend here." Everybody obeyed the King within a timely manner, and before long the small shivering girl was tucked away beneath Linde's cloak for the duration of the gathering.

Upon returning home, Linde learned a great deal of things about the poor girl he had rescued. Her name was Anika and she was from the Light World. She had been sold for drinking money by her own father, and snatched up by General Ortoga simply because she knew a little Ice Magic. And now.... she was here. He offered to return Anika home, but she refused and begged to stay in Vintern. He obliged, and gave her every comfort imaginable. Her ability, although feeble, intrigued Linde, so he decided to take her on as an apprentice. Mostly to distract himself from the Amulet for once. Over the years, the two grew closer. He initially brushed off any advances, for he missed Moira terribly, but he could only stifle his aching heart for so long. Though he did truly love Anika, a small part of him always would belong to Moira. Years drifted by, they had their first child together, Prince Jen, and three years after their second child, Princess Ai. Though he was overjoyed to be a father, his heart always pulled him back to the depths beneath Castle Setzburg to fiddle with the Stone Arch some more. Realizing her own husband was never truly hers, Anika grew depressed and around their teen years, began to resent her children. She became not unlike a Castle ghost, her ice magic now an aura that chilled every room as she entered. The gaps between Linde's visits grew longer and longer, until he eventually stopped coming back altogether, madly enveloped in his work. Though his son Jen vied for his approval, Linde hardly cared. Neither of his children displayed any magical capabilities, so he lost interest in them. Without realizing it, Linde had become so much like the Arvella elders he had once so despised. He became utterly obsessed with breaking the crystal and freeing Moira...and by proxy, the Destroyer of Worlds as well. Fed up with being bothered by Kingly responsibilities, Linde announced he would retire and pass the crown onto Jen. The people of Vintern were shocked, though none more surprised than Jen himself. He felt he was completely unprepared, a great burden now befell him, and he became an emotional wreck; on the inside at least. Outwardly, Jen was as calm a King as any ever had been. Linde figured now the Kingdom would be fine, and stopped sending word to them whatsoever. Even his own mother Delphine could not reach him in his deep pit of madness. And so for a time it went on this way. Until he heard about how the King of Vintern had sold the maiden Princess to a demon King from the Ethereal Plane. Soon after he heard of this, Linde returned home, and he was not happy.