[$15] #12's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Rasspberrii Global Rules
-If you bought the character; you’re allowed to change the design, just please keep it somewhat the same so it's not completely unrecognizable!

-Your allowed to change Age, Sex/Gender, Clothes, Color palette and slightly alter species, just do NOT change the race or skin tone drastically!! Changing character from Human to feral is COMPLETELY Fine!!
-Do not make your character private or delete them!! I enjoy seeing my characters being loved on and it upsets me greatly when they get deleted.

-Do not sell them for more then they are worth!! unless you have added art (that you have made or bought), free gifts do not count!!

-As for Characters that you have won from a raffle,, please do not sell them (unless you add art to them)! Gifting them away or trading is perfectly fine!! If you do not care for the character anymore, feel free to transfer them back over to me^^