


11 hours, 45 minutes ago


  • they/she, mid-late 20s
  • pinterest board 
  • before the apocalypse, was in school to become a social worker. post-apocalypse, helps adrian understand social dynamics and smooth over emotional flares. 
  • Mom friend but only by default bc she’s befriended so many dumbasses
  • will get into crazy stupid shit then tell you to your face that she’s never done that in her life
  • mediates shit before it starts, and does it bluntly. no beating around the bush. don’t fuck with her, its the apocalypse, we don’t have time for nonsense fighting u idiots
  • overprotective,,,, will Fight For Their Friends
  • tends to put others well-being before her own, very eldest sibling energy
  • strategic and thoughtful
  • keeps a daily journal of her (and everyone else’s) feelings and activities
  • romanticizes her life to stay stable
  • big fan of catharsis, getting bad emotions out through physical activity or (safe) impulsivity [like a sudden haircut, breaking old shit, playing contact sports]
  • Nervous in uncontrolled big crowds - likes to mediate/lead but mostly as a sense of control and safety