Reuben's Comments

H-hi! Maybe Ruben would like to be a Maru friend?..? ^^"

oohhh, i'd love that~~! ✨ reuben definitely needs more relationships 😂

Maru too haha xD agree? c:

yeah of course! i've already written maru down as a friend~~

Hnnngggh he's such a cutie!

YES! it'll be fun having a different type of whistler * v * and it's exciting that his personality will be so different from ... well.. all my other ones HAHA

hahahh true im happy that you got it~~ <33 hopefully he could be great friends with my two whistlers ;w;;

OF COURSE THEY'LL BE FRIENDS!! <3....... to be honest i would kinda love if we ended up with another ship with your new one too coughs imeanwhat i didn't say anything

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy~ <333 heuhuehehuehuhuehue that sounds like a brilliant idea //smirks//