


5 years, 7 months ago



**Name:** Vespasian
**Age:** *Old enough*
**Gender:** He/Him
**Animal/plush:** one eared goat
**Emotion:**  controlled aggression
**Traits:** 2 eyes (C) Black Sclera (C) Shaped pupils (R) Plush feet (R) Ghost insides (UR) Monster Arms (UR) One Eared Goat (UR)
**Personality:** Dominant and slightly too aggressive, He’s the overly strong buff baby that smooshes Conner (he likes it). His life revolves around Connor and the cult of shop street, but even though he’s got a rough and heavy outward appearance he’s always down to take care of small children. They like him cuz they can grab his arms and swing from them, and he likes it because they remind him of his child Scotty.

Vespasian was formed on rainy night in New Orleans. His child was a young boy by the name of Scotty. Scotty was a bright child, kind and generous, always ready to give you the last bit of whatever he had. He’d even give the shirt off his back if he thought it could help someone. Unfortunately, Scotty’s Mother was a vile women. Scotty’s Father had left very early on and his Mother blames him for her being a single parent. She took to drinking like a fish to water. It wasn’t long after that that Mother began beating Scotty for anything she felt he did wrong. His only safe haven was Vespasian, named after a king  he had seen on a class trip to his local history museum, he thought he would be a great protector. One day it was dreadful, raining and muddy, clouds hanging low and black. Depressing. Scotty was playing with Ves by his bedroom window, making a lot of happy noise and laughing while tossing Ves in the air, when out of no where Scotty’s Mother threw his door open and ripped Ves away from Scotty. “Your too damn old to play with fucking DOLLS!” She screamed as she ripped Vespasian’s left ear clean off, pooring a half empty bottle of beer on Scotty. Vespasian was so upset and angry that he formed into a Necrobie and threw Scotty’s mother against the wall. “I’m tired of you fucking around and hurting my boy.” He said calmly as he advanced on Scotty’s Mother. She broke her bottle across the door frame and slashed Vespasian face cutting his lip. Vespasian picked the old woman up and slammed her on the wooden flooring. He wrapped his monstrous claws around her throat, choking her as she tried to grab at anything to save her from him. “This is the end of you, you damned hag, I hope you rot wherever I’m damning you too.” Ves said as he slowly watched the life drain from her face until her eyes rolled back and she lay still. Vespasian stood up and turned towards Scotty his knife shaped pupils and golden eyes gleaming in the darkness, and when Scotty screamed for his mother and for his life instead of him, Vespasian knew he had done wrong. Scotty began crying over his Mother’s body as Ves slunk out the front door and into the rain and darkness outside. Regret and a controlled Burning Anger radiating inside his core. Not too long after the Cult of Shop Street found him and welcomed him as one of there own, raising him like a son and creating Vespasian in their leaders image of worthiness. He currently stands as the first chair expert in torture directly under the leader of the division and in his time away from the cult he visits Connor and “gets rough”, but all in all he loves Connor very much even with his back ground staining his reputation.
**Sexuality:** Gay
**Family:**  The cult of shop street, ex.Scotty
**Relationship Status:** Dating Connor
**Power(s):** can inflict wounds by touch (controlled)