


5 years, 8 months ago


- title is Wraith, the Warrior!

- looks like she could kill you and she WILL kill you

- would stab as a warning

- pretty constantly tired and angry

- aggressive big sister

- dont talk to her or her 120000000 adopted siblings ever again

- distrustful by nature but has a really strong sense of justice also

- would both join a mafia and create a mafia AND be the vigilante who overthrows the mafia out of spite

- a giant softie for kids but has no patience or mercy for adults or people who should know better

- she's fairly young herself but acts a lot older- had to grow up quick- think older teen thug lesbian trope

- distrustful by nature and even with kids it takes her a while to admit she's fond of em

- artsy!!!! she likes to draw on the walls of caves/bridges/rocks she comes across or make mosaics out of em in the middle of nowhere

- if she were human she'd have 23168571326 tattoos

- doesn't really like hanging around one place too much, people start asking questions and then it gets messy so best to just slide in and out where possible until they find a safe place to settle down forever, if possible

- would die and kill for her baby brother Spiro! 

- he's very hopeful and gentle where she's jaded and hard and she'll kill a man for him to be able to stay that way

- historically terrible sleeper, plagued with nightmares + light sleeper because someone's gotta watch out for predators through the night

- this doesn't help with her whole constantly tired and cranky situation

- only really wants to find a place to settle down so that Spiro has some stability, she doesn't really think it'll last so doesn't really wanna try

- kinda just wants a good nights sleep

- let her rest please